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" Rose is so like me in that matter then. Also, even I'm excited to meet all of them, also...Christian and Vasilisa... they are a real deal?" She asked me, I knew she was worried because Christian never really had someone after his parent's death to love him except her, and she didn't want his heart to break.

"Yes they are, they are pretty crazy for each other." I replied with a smile.

"That's great, so how have you been?" She asked me.

"Fine." I replied, I didn't know what to say about how have I been without saying something that can destroy our friendship.

"Fine? Okay, what is it? Spill Belikov." she said, trying her commander's voice.

"Nothing really." I tried assuring her.

"Okay I know we haven't seen each other in a long time but you do know I can tell when you are lying right, now spill." She said, with a 'tell me or see' look. I actually was scared of just three people in my life my mama, babushka, and Izabelle, she really can be scary sometimes.

"Fine, I just missed you a lot. And you're finally here but you will go back in some days then god knows when we will see each other. And the last time we saw each other was when Ivan died, now thinking about Ivan makes me miss him, I miss us Iz. And now I'm guarding at an academy. And well it's not that I hate it, but I don't like it either. The only thing that's encouraging me to stay here right now is Rose's training, she is a great learner and I won't leave her behind like that."

"Oh, Dimitri, I missed you too and even I miss our group and Ivan. I would never get over that. And listen to me, till the time I'm here we are gonna enjoy okay? Just don't think about what's going to happen in the future, for now, enjoy the present." I nodded, she was right, how much time we had, we had to make the best of it.

"So how's Mama Olena?" she asked trying to change the subject, Mama always loved Izabelle like her daughter, even babushka did which was shocking news for everyone in the house, and all my sisters also loved to spend time with her. Sometimes I thought they loved her more than me.

"Oh she's great, I talk to all of them every week, today I'll call them wanna join?" I asked, hoping she would say yes, I did want to spend all my time with her, well if that's possible.

"I would love to, I miss all of them." She replied with a smile.

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