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Dimitri POV

When she finally found something according to her taste, she starts singing it. I didn't even know I was singing until the song ended and Izabelle looked at me with a smile. God, I love this woman.

"You still are amazing, you just don't sing in front of anyone." she said.

"Yeah well, I don't want anyone to know my secret talents." I said. It was great how much I can be like myself in front of Iz.

After some time, Iz took out her phone and started typing something.

"Who are you texting?" I asked, just curious.

"Rose, Lissa, and Christian. For tommorow." she answered.

"You excited?" I asked, once she had kept her phone.

"Of course, it's gonna be amazing. Everything's gonna be amazing." she said, smiling.

Izabelle practically jumped out of the car, when we reached near her cabin, I laughed at that and went to park the car. When I walked back to the cabin, the bag with the decorations was on the table and Izabelle was in the kitchen looking through all the stuff she bought. There was also a bag on the sofa, that must be the one with gifts. In every shop we went to Iz wouldn't let me enter it, she just said that it should be a surprise. So well I had no idea what she had bought.

"Hey what should I do?" I asked her.

"Nothing, you need to go and rest. I'll take care of this." she said.

"No Iz you need to rest, I'm helping."

"That's not happening. I am hosting Dimitri, and you know how much I love this stuff. So go and take some rest." she said, giving me a 'do as I say' look.

"Fine." I replied.

"Good I've texted you the timing Little Dimka." she said giggling. God this woman will be the death of me.

I finally went to my room and decided to get some sleep. I slept thinking about Izabelle.

I heard my alarm and woke up. I still had an hour till Izabelle's Christmas lunch. So I decided to have a shower and get ready.

I stepped under the hot running water, and it felt amazing. Finally, I stepped out of the shower, shaved, and got ready.

I was wearing a fitted blue sweater with jeans, and I looked good. It never really matters to me how I look because I just have to be a guardian, but I don't know with Izabelle it does.

I still had some time to kill, so I decided to read one of my westerns.

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