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Finally, when just ten minutes were left, I left my dorm room with Izabelle's gift. It really took some time to find her a good gift, but then I got it.

On my way, I met Rose going in the same direction, she looked amazing in a nice red dress. Beautiful and perfect for a christmas lunch.

 Beautiful and perfect for a christmas lunch

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She looked at me and smiled.

"Now Comrade, I am pretty sure Izabelle is gonna get a heart attack, after seeing you like that." she said, looking at me. And I don't know why but I blushed.

"Oh god, the great Dimitri Belikov blushing, now this is new." she started laughing.

"Oh shut up Rose. Well, I have to say you look amazing yourself." I said.

"Thank you. So are you going to the christmas ball after this?" she asked.

St.Vladimirs always hosted the Christmas ball as many parents and family members visited.

"I don't know depends on our host." I said smiling.

"Hey you know Alberta is coming too?" she asked. Wait Alberta?

"No, I didn't." I said.

"You should check your phone, Izabelle must have messaged you about it." she said, so I did check my phone and there was a text from Izabelle.

"Hey, I invited Alberta. I asked her what she was doing and she said she will be in her room or something maybe. And you know I don't like when people are alone on christmas, so I invited her. I hope it's okay?"

"yeah it's alright."

Classic Izabelle, I thought. I still remember when she prepared the whole Christmas dinner for all the orphanes in St.Basils, it took her hours to do that, but well if it was to make someone happy she would do that, and everyone enjoyed that dinner so much even teachers and guardians. The students who were not there for that really hated not being there, me and Ivan included. He had gone on a skiing trip with his family and I was in Baia.

I showed Rose the text, she chuckled after reading it.

"You know it sounds like just an Izabelle thing to do." she said.

"I know."

When we reached the cabin, anyone could smell the delicious food that was either getiing cooked or was already cooked and when we knocked, Iz called us in and the cabin looked like a whole new place, and everything looked so beautiful. Damn, how did she do all this in so little time?

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