Chapter 17 - 'I guess, we're all Dreamers.'

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"ALEC! MY DAUGHTER BETTER BE HERE!" my 'dead' father yells. I jump away from Alec.

"Please, don't tell him I'm here." I begged Alec. He gave me a look of sympathy. I knew he would give me away.

"I'm sorry, Kenzi, I really am, but if this is what it takes to get him in jail, then I'll do out." he says. "But, for everything you've done for me, I'll give you one wish. And I will do everything in my power to grant it."

"I wish," I began. What did I wish for? Then it hit me and I had a 'duh' moment. "I wish, you would come back and get me away from my 'parents'."

"Why don't you want to be with you're parents?" he asks.

"Would you want to be with the people that left you? Only for you to go live with your crazy Grandma, and move around the country. My parents 'died' last year, right? Well, in that year I've lived in 30 out of 50 states in 40 different towns. You know, the longest time I've ever stayed in the same place, since my parents 'died' was here, in Michigan," I finish of. Every bit of it was true.

"You've been here like two and a half months," was his response.


"I see why you don't want to be with them, but could you at least try? I mean, they hired a kidnapper to bring you to them. They obviously love you," he says.

"If love is sending someone one away, then send a fucking crazy ass twenty year old pervert- no offense-" I start.

He waves his hand, "Non taken, I'm very serious about my job." I look at him like, 'Point-proven' and continue speaking:

"Anyway, crazy twenty year old pervert after me, then, yeah,  they couldn't love me more," I say. If I were in a cartoon my face would be beat read, with steam coming out of my nose and ears. I mentally laugh at the thought. But my thoughts were interrupted by my father yelling for Alec. 

"ALEC! WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" his voice echoed through the house once more. 

Alec opened his mouth to yell for him. "No! Please?" I ask him, I don't want the man the is my father. I hate my parents. I declare them, 'Hated Parents'.

"I'm sorry, Kenzi," he says. "In here!" 

I look at him in disbelief, like he just kicked a puppy.

"I'm sorry, I'll get you out of her," he whispered, and feathered a light kiss on my forehead, When did Alec become so nice? I ask myself. My father opened the door, saw me with a bloody bandage around my torso, noticed my pale face, from lose of blood, took in Alec completely fine,

"What the fuck did you do to her!?" he yelled, it took everything for me not to flinch. If looks coud kill, Alec would be six feet under by now.

"She did it to herself," he stated, like it was the most normal thing ever, like I'd done it before. Which I'll have you know, I haven't.

"Why the hell would she STAB herself?!" he questioned Alec, like I wasn't even there.

"Probably to die. I mean, why would I ever want to see the person that cause me to get kidnapped, let's see-," I put one finger up, time with Jace, I put another finger up, Jared incident, another one, Aaron, and one more, right now. "-four times, and almost get killed, have Ian show up badly beaten, after being kidnapped, having my best friend/cousin thrown in jail, my room destroyed and, oh yeah, be afraid of my own shadow. Oh, and let's not the time I got punched in the face," I directed a 'Thanks' look.

"You've been busy," my father says, approvingly at Alec.

"Oh, she didn't even scratch the surface," was Alec's reply. I stared at him in disbelief. 

"You're job is done, Alec. You may leave, I will personally deal with your brothers case," my father said, not taking his eye's off of me. Alec stood up, off the bed and started for the door, he looked back at me and I pleaded him with by eyes not to leave with my crazy father and mouthed 'I'll-be-back-at-midnight-be-ready'. I gave him a quick Thank You with my eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask him. I'm pissed, he didn't have any right to do this. IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW! But, of course he knew that, he was a lawyer. Two and a half months ago before I met Jace, Jared and Alec, you told me I would get to see my parnets again, I would be on cloud nine. Now? They can go in a hole.

"My, sweet, little, daughter back," he says sweetly, I almost feel for it. Almost.

"And, I want to be out of here, with no memory whatsoever. I want Ian to be okay. I want you and mom to be dead. I want Aaron out of jail. I want Alec never kidnapped me. I want my abdomen to no longer hurt, because I stabbed my self, to get away from you," A little white lie wouldn't hurt, I mean, the rest was true. "But that back fired, 'cause here you are. But, I guess, we're all dreamers," I said it with now emotion, spitting out 'you and mom' with venom lacing my usally kind words. 

"You don't mean tha-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"Just leave I was told to get rest," I say.

"Alright," he says, getting up, "but, I'm talking to you tomorrow, wheather or not you like it."

I'm not gonna be here tomorrow. "Okay," I decide on saying. He leaves the room.

I look at my phone, the clock reads, '11:56'. I only have four minutes until Alec comes. I slip a shirt over my bandaged cover chest and abdomen. I checked my phone again, '11:59'. Sometimes it's really creepy how he's always on time. 

The bedroom window opens, cold air rust in. I turn around, gasping. Alec sits halfway in the window. 

"Come on," he says.

"Yep, very creepy," I mutter, walking over to the window. I jump out and follow Alec to his car. I jump in the passanger seat, the car ride was very quiet. It was accually very awkward. So I asked him, "What did you mean, when you said, 'for everything you've done for me' when you told me about my wish thingy?" 

"Well, Kenzi, you showed me one thing, one thing that I needed to move on from my wife and children's death. You showed me that, not all people are bad, that some have way to much kindness, and other's, at some point, don't have any, like when my brother killed my family. I mean, I gave you a chance to kill me, I gave you a chance to stab my in the stomach and bleed out. After all I've done to you, I've kidnapped, you, Ian and Aaron. I got Aaron arrested. I punched you in the face. I've broke into your house. I've stalked you. And you still didn't kill me, you stabbed yurself instead. Couldn't hurt a fly," he finishes off.

"So, what know? I mean my father will just send someone else after me," as much as I hated to admit it, my story was only beginning. My father will do anything to get to me.

"I won't let him. I'm now on you team," I know had, Ian, Jared, Jace and Alec on my team. That was enough to go against my father, right?

A/N: This reminds me of Frozen kinda, cause it was all the dad's fault. So I just had surgery, so my updates might be a little slow, sorry about that. 

Read my best friend's, @doublebubble2003's books 'The End' and 'No One's Here'



FAN! :]




P.P.S. Book is almost over!

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