Chapter 13- Frozen Apples

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I slam my hand down on my alarm clock and groan. Throwing my legs over the side of my bed, I rub my eyes tiredly. I walk towards my closet, grab a pair of black shorts and a white tank top with navy blue swirls, and take a quick shower.  I run down the stairs, past Jared and Jace in my living room. arguing about something I couldn't care less about. I open my fridge and scream a blood-curdling scream. The boys come running in. 

"What? What happened? Is it Alec? Is he here?" Jace asked. 

I turn around slowly, shooting them death glares. "Who ate the last apple?" I ask, through grittened teeth.

"Told ya' not to eat it," Jared crosses his arms over his chest and shakes his head. Looking like a disapproving mother, might I add  (not a compliment). Jace just glares at Jared with a look that says 'Ima-gonna-kill-you-by-ripping-off-your-head' look. Jace checks his watch looking like the Doctor for a minute. {A/N: Doctor Who and Psych for lyfe! Anyone agree? Maybe one of the two? Neither? Comment below!}

"We should get to school before, we're all late," he suggests, "again," he adds after a moment or two.

"Agreed," I  say grabbing an peach. I bite into it. "I hate peaches," I declare," chewing very slowly.

"Then why are you eating one," Jace asked opening the door. 

"'Cause someone ate my apple! Not to point fingers but, cough, Jace, cough. Man I must be coming down with something," behind me Jace snickers. 

"You know how she is about her apples," Jared warns. 

"Oh, yeah, one time I through her over my shoulder, causing her to drop her apple, she hated me for a while," Jace states, smirking as if he's reliving the time. I remember that. I would have kicked him in the balls if we weren't in a moving car at the time. 

"Who says I still don't hate you?" I asked, shooting him a 'you-don't-know-me' look. 

"Come on, Kitten, no one can hate me," he declares. 

"Really?" Jared asked, "I can name 10 off the top of my head, Alec, Luca, Evan, Ian, Aaron, Brendon, Colton, Aiden, Brian, Kenzi, Hailey, Aria, Alice, Rose, Mom, Dad, Zach, Alex, Marcus, Hayden, Josh, Eric, Jake, Hunter, Mara, Liam, Emma. And thats all I can think of now," he states, "Oh and of course, Cayden, how could I forget him I mean you k-"

"Okay I get it, no one likes me," Jace states.

"Oh then there's Cassidy, me, Alan, that one guy you almost killed in a bar," Jared continues. Jace slaps his palm to his forehead. 

"Idiot," Jace mumbles, as he walks around to get in the drivers seat.

"SHOTGUN!" I yell and Jared sighs. I grab my bookbag from and climb in run for the front seat.


A bullet flies past my ear with a whoosh. "W-was th-that a-a shotgun?" I panic as I hop in the car.

"Yeah," Jace says with a look that says 'well-shit-that-happened'.

"Let's just get to school before we're all expelled," I suggest.

"Yep," the boys say, both popping the 'p'. 


The ride to school was short. Too short. Eh, I'm just being paronoid, I think as Jace stops the car, and turns to face Jared and I. "If anyone asks where we were tell them that Kenzi's grandma died and we were at her funeral. No one can know where we actually. No one. Do I make myself clear?"

"Like butter," I say, quote Shawn from Psych. 

"Are you quoting Psych?" Jared asks me. 

"Would you like to share a pinapple with me," I reply still quoting Psych. 

"Still going?" Jared asks.

"Where'd you get that juice box, and does it come in grapalicious?"

"How did you memorize all of these?"

"I think I just blew my own mind."

"And she continues."

"I've heard it both ways."

"Can you quote something else?"

"Do you want to build a snowman?" 


"Come on, let's go and play."

"I'm good."

"I never see you anymore."

"Planed that," he sighs and gets out of the car.

"Come out the door," I sing.

"I find it comfortable right here."

"It's like you've gone away," I continue.

"That's the point." 

"Do you want to build a snowman?" I ask, he ignores me. "It doesn't have to be a snowman."


"I shot for the sky, I'm stuck on the ground. So why do I try, I know I'm gonna fall down. I thought I could fly, so why did I drowned?" I quoted down by Jason Walker.


"Say something, I'm giving up on you," I say.



"Come on,"  Jace pulls my arm.


"UGH!" I groan, as I fall on my bed. "I don't like school!" I complain to Jared. While we were watching Frozen.

"In Summmmmmeeer!" Olaf sings.

"Get over it," he sighs.

"I don't want to go to school ever again," I complain.

"Well y-" he was cut off by the front door slamming against the wall.

I looked over at Jared and he looked at me, we both shared the same look saying 'WTF'. I jumped off of my bed and ran down stairs, with Jared on my heels. Ian tumples inside and does  faceplant.

"For the First Time In Foreveeeeeeeeeeeeerrrr!" 

A/N: Yeah I know very very late update. Okay not updating untill I get 50 votes. 

Don't be a silent reader. Comment and vote.

Whoever can guess this quote gets a dedication. 'Come alone. You're  a douche.'  And it can't be @funnygurlz or @doublebubble2003



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