Chapter 21 - Enough blood lost

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"Don't even," I say, pointing my finger at Jace.

He opens his mouth to speak, but closes it.

"What happened?"  Ian asks again.

"Should of came a few minutes earlier, Jace just explained," Jared said.

"Whatever," Ian shrugs it off, "we should hurry up and get out of here."

"Okay let's go?" I say, walking towards the door.

"Not so fast, we need a plan," Alec says. "And I think we all we all know how crazy your father is," he says to me and Ian.

"Yep!" I agree. "Okay so, what are we gonna do?" 

"Okay, so you probably have realized that we're in your childhood house. So, your dad, being your dad, has waited for you for a few months, so he hired guards. There are three at every door, window, air vent, you name it and there's at least one guard there-" 

"Okay, then how did you guys get here?" I asked.

"We were all taken," he answers. "Okay so, we have been here three days, and nobody has noticed. None of us are 'missing'.  Thank your father, apparently we've all 'moved' to California. So, no one is exactly looking for us, making it a little bit harder, for us. So in order to get out of here we need a plan...... I hope at least one of you were good in chemistry."

"Why?" The twins say in sync.

"Because we need to make a sleeping bomb."

"I think he has some hidden under the floor boards, when me and Ian were little we would pretend to be a spy and spy on our dad while he was in here, it used to be his 'office' but it was actually the place he hid bombs, guns, knives, and so on," I explain as I walk over to where his desk used to be. I remove the rug that covers the floor boards. I grab the floor board and pull up. I do the same with the two next to it. It relieves a large wooden box, with a lock on it. I gasp, very dramatically as I pull the box out of the floor and place it on the table. 

"Way ta' go, but it's locked," Jace says.

"That's 'cause I'm not done yet," I say in a 'duh' tone and walk to the window. I climb on the sill and reach up to the top of the window. I feel around and whisper a "yay!' as I feel the cold metal of the key. I jump down with a smirk on my face as I hold the key up and walk over to them. "I feel like we're missing someone," then it hit me. "Where's Alan?"

"He breathed in too much of the drugs and is still knocked out," Aaron tells me.

"Okay then," I say as I put the key in the lock and twist, I sigh in relief as I hear a click. I take the bronze lock off the box and slowly open it, for a dramatic person. I am a dramatic person, okay, so shut up.

The box reveals about ten bombs in a section that has 'Z's as it's lable, the other half is labled with an explition, I guess.

"Here ya' go," I say.

"You just saved us an hour, so we throw this out the window - after Alan awakes {Alliteration <====} - we will throw this out a window, climb at and run home," Alec says. "Pretty simple, right?" 

"Not really," I say, "You said my dad has guards everywhere so if we knock some of thm out, more will come, we get caught, and possibly get killed."

"Well, aren't you are a ball sunshine," Jace mumbles. Not meaning for me to hear him, no one else seemed to. So there's only one thing i can do now. 'What is that?' you ask. Be very, very dramatic.

"Why, yes I am Jace, you don't have to be so mean!" I say and start to 'cry', making everyone glare at Jace, while Jace has a look lke 'oh-shiz'.

"What did I do?" he asks, his voice matching his words, so confused. 

"YOU'RE SUCH A BULLY!" {I thought of my friend when I wrote this. Can anyone guess? Anyone at all? Anyone? No? It's Kendyl!} I 'sob'.

"I didn't do anything," he says, his eyes wide in disbelief. He runs out of the room.

"Where are you going?!" I yell.

"To eat my confustion in ice cream!" he yells back.

"FATTY!" {There's Kendyl again.}


"Come on," I whisper. We are all dressed in black, trying to put our plan into action. Alec, who is in charge of the bombs, throughs a sleep granade out the window.

"Okay on three. Three!" He whisper-yells, as he jumps out the window, then me, Ian and Aaron, followed by the twins, then Alan.

We run for the woods. "STOP!" a voice non-other than my father's voice booms across the lawn.

"RUN FASTER!" I urge, breaking into a sprint.  I hear the sound of a gun clicking, "Shiz," I mutter.

A bullet hits my side, right under my ribs, the sound echo's through my ears, and the world seems to go into slow motion as I fall to the ground. Smacking my head, twice. Dang I think I've lost enough blood for a week.

A/N: THATS IT FOR THIS CHAPTER! Cause I decided to continue it from the chapter  I wrot last night.


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