Chapter 6- School

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Jace was standing in the window, waving at me like a dork, might I add. I did a mental facepalm, and opened the side window.

"I can't believe you!" I hissed after he opened his window, too.

"What do you mean?" Jace asked smirking.

"You know exactly what I mean!" I yelled, a bit to loud-hey he was getting on my nerves.

"Move, Kitten." I stepped to the side and continued making my bed. When I was finished I turned around, humming Waiting For Superman by Daughtry. I screamed when I saw Jace, literally, right behind me. Ian came running in my room.

"What are you doing in here, criminal?" he scowled.

"Telling my little Kitten, here, good-night." Jace replied with an innocent smile on his lips. But, both me and Ian knew he wasn't iinnocent at all.

"Get out, Ian, I can take care of myself," I scowled, looking at the door where he was standing. Ian left leaving me and Jace in my room.

"Want help unpacking?" Jace asked after Ian had left.

"Um, sure. Can you get the rest of my boxes?" I asked, placing a hand on my head from all the stress.

"Yep," he said popping the "p." "Where are they?"

"Downstairs in the living room."

"Okay, but don't miss me too much," he said, turning the corner to the stairs.

Has he been in this house before? Oh yeah, he kidnapped me. Why did I let him in my house? I shook the thought from my mind and decided to start getting my book-bag ready for school tomorrow.

"Sorry to interrupt your deep thought," Jace said sarcastically. "Actually, I'm not. Where do you want me to put these?" He was holding 4 boxes, that were labeled clothes.

I pointed next to the walk-in closet. "Over there is fine."

He walked over to the closet and dropped the boxes. "That's fine for tonight. I'll finish tomorrow, after school. Bye, Jace." I said, making a shooing motion with my hands, pushing over to the window.

He sat on the window sill. "Bye, Kitten," he winked, and flung himself into his room. I walked over to the window, shut it, set my alarm clock to 6:30, and climb in bed, exhausted.





I sat up, and headed to my bathroom. Took a quick shower, combed my blonde hair, put on dark blue booty shorts, a white tank top, a necklace, my deep black converse. I ran down stairs with my pink and green book bag on my back.

Ian was up, eating fluffy pancakes watching the news. I grabbed a plate and sat down to eat, when I heard a knock at the door.



"It's open!" Ian and I yelled in sync, not felling the need to get up when we can just yell. Jace walked in with his book bag on his back.

"Hello, Kitten." Jace said walking over, receiving a death glare from Ian.

"Hi. Not to be rude, but why are you here?" I asked, washing my the dirty plates.

"Well, we're neighbors. I thought we could carpool, no need to waist more gas than needed."

"Okay. Let's go to school." I said, walking over to grab my bag. "Bye Ian."

"Later," Ian mumbled.

When Jace sped into school, everyone-literally everyone- looked at us. Well at Jace, but when I got out they all looked at me. Girls had glares that read I-will-end-you! Guys glares read Dang-she's-hot most of them were looking me up and down, some even winked. Jace walked around his car and slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Why are the girls staring at me like they want to kill me?" I asked getting death glares, at every girl in the parking lot.

"Well, that's 'cause I'm taking to you."

"Could your ego get any bigger?" I asked, looking at him like wow-just-wow.

"Yup." he said popping the 'p'. He did that with every word that ended with a 'p'. It was starting to get less annoying.

"Oh, really, how?" I asked shocked, completely shocked.

"Like this," he said before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. {A/N: *SQUEAK* THEY KISSED!! WHO WAS EXPECTING THAT?! I WASN'T. AND I'M WRITING IT. IT JUST HAPPENED. Okay I think I calm, now. *SQUEAK*. Nope. Let's just get back to the story.}

I didn't kiss him back. He pulled back. "How does that help your ego?" I asked.

"Look around you," he whispered, his face close to mine. I looked around, everyone-including teacher's, nerds, goths, popular's, and least popular's-were staring at us. I immediately felt heat rush to my cheeks.

He smirked, "Come on, let's go get your schedule." He pulled my down a series of halls, and then into a large office, where a young woman was sitting behind a desk. "Hey, Ali!" he said to the woman.

"Hi, Jace, what can I help you with?" she asked, with a straight, white smile. Ali had her brown hair in a perfect bun, not a hair out of place.

"This is my friend, Kenzi Adams, she's new here." He said, me hand in his hand, he was to strong for me to pull it away, so I had to keep it there.

"Oh, of coarse!" she said to loud, so everyone looked at us.

"Ali, some senors are trying to work." a boy said to her, the voice sounded very familiar, but I didn't search my memories for a name.

"Shut it, Aaron!" she snapped at him. Aaron? Aaron! My cousin! Mental face-palm.

"Aaron!" I yelled running into his arms, I haven't seen him in three years!

"Hey, Shortie," he said hugging me back. "Miss me?"

"YEP!" he chuckled. "Did you miss me?" I asked pulling back.

"Of coarse! It's been like what? Two years?"


"Oh, well, should get to class," he said, patting me on the head. "I'll stop by the house later."

I walked back over to Ali-who was smiling warmly, she was so nice- and Jace-who looked like he wanted to rip off Aaron's head. I sighed, and he smirked at me.

"Well, Kenzi, here is your schedule and everything you'll need for your classes," Ali said, smiling warmly again. "Jace, I expect you to show her around for the next week or two," she handed him a slip of paper, "here in case you're late for your classes, show this to your teachers."

"Will do," he said taking the slip of paper.

As we walked out of the office, he took my schedule, smirking. "Look's like we have every class together."

"Of coarse we do," I mumble, barley audible.

"Don't look to excited."

"Don't got to tell me twice," I said a little louder this time.

A/N: Okay. Who's shocked? I know I was. :D.





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