Chapter 16- Alec's Story

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A/N: I lied. I couldn't help it I had to update, I think it's my favorite chapter of this book. There will be five more chapters, tops, till this book is done. 

My eyes open and I see a navy blue room, with black furniture. There are three doors, I'm guessing one's a closet, one's a bathroom, and one's the door leading to a hallway. I get off the bed and walk to the first door, the knob twists, and I push it open. Through the door is a nicely sized bathroom, I checked my appearance, I was wearing the same clothes so that was good, my beanie was no longer on my head, it was in my pocket, so I threw that back on my head, and my hair looked fine in it's mid-back straight, blonde way. I walk to another door, the knob again does twist, I open the door, reveling a walk-in closet, full of clothes, guys clothes, meaning that this is probably Alec's room. I walk to the last door, and I'm shocked it's unlocked. I push the door open, very slowly, and peek my head out, checking for guards, but there are non. I walk out and down the hall. There are stairs, so I go down the stairs, which I immediately regret. Alec stands there talking to about ten, huge guys. Alec must have heard or seen me cause he looked over at me. 

I ran up the stairs, hoping that no one is following me. But, my prayers weren't answered, about half of the guys were chasing after me. I really, really hate this feeling. I reached the top stair and saw the rest of the giant guys going up another stair case, so I ran in the nearest room. It was, very large, the walls, white, while the carpet was black, and all of the furniture was also black and white.

"You're so predictable Kenzi," Alec said, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom.

"Sorry, Alec, I see ten huge men, chasing after me, might I add, I'm going to hide or at least try," I say.

He has a look that says 'yeah' and says 'You can try to hide, but it's not going to do you any good."

"Why am I heard, Alec?" I ask.

"Because, I need you to do something for me."

"What's that something?" 

"I need you to complete the mission your parents didn't complete."

"And what was this 'mission' of there's?"

"They had to get a million dollar bracelet from my beloved, sister."

"Why would my parents every do that?"

"Because I threatened the life of there lovely children," he says, spitting out the word 'lovely' like it's poison.

"Well, fun fact-" I start, but then run out the doors and fly down the stairs, into what's his kitchen. I grab a knife, and back into a corner. Alec comes down the stairs, but when he sees me, he laughs.

"Kenzi, you can't hurt a fly," he says.

"Oh really?" I ask, pointing the knife at him.

"Yeah, really."

"You're wrong."

"Oh really, then go ahead do whatever you were going to do," he says, holding his arms out.

"You really want me to?" I point the knife at his stomach.

"Yeah," he says, smirking cockily. 

"Okay," I say, and shove the knife into my stomach.

"Holy shit! Kenzi!" Alec yells, catching me as I fall to the ground, with a knife sticking out of my lower abdomen. 

Have you ever had a knife in your stomach? No? It hurts like a bitch.


*Alec's POV*

I walk down the stairs and see Kenzi in a corner with a knife in her hand. I laugh, I can't help it, she can't hurt a fly. And that's what I told her.

"Oh, really?" she asks, pointing the knife at me, I know she wouldn't stab me, even if I had almost killed her brother.

"Yeah, really," I say with a 'you're-too-nice'.

"You're wrong," she says with determination.

"Oh really, then go ahead do whatever you were going to do," I say, holding my arms out.

"You really want me to?" she point the knife at my stomach.

"Yeah," I says, smirking cockily. 

"Okay," she say, and shove the knife into her stomach.

"Holy shit! Kenzi!" I yells, catching her as she fall to the ground, with a knife sticking out of her lower abdomen. 

 Her blue eyes started to close, and when she got them back open, they would fall back down, she was losing consioness. "Emmet!! Get the doctor here and know!!" I yell at one of my men.

I carried her back into a spare bedroom, and laied her down on the bed. The doctor was here within seconds. He started operating on her, saying a bunch of medical things to the nurses. I needed to let of steam. She stabbed herself, on my watch. Her dad is gonna be pissed. I was working for them, it was my job to get her to them, I was almost there, but I mocked her and she stabbed herself. SHE FUCKING STABBED HERSELF BECAUSE I WAS BEING A DOUCHE! I went do to the gym and started running, I ran for about an hour until a nurse came down. "Kenzi s fine, she had some internal bleeding, but the doctor was able to stop it, very quickly accually. You can go see her."

I ran uostairs into the bedroom and saw Kenzi's fragile body laying on the bed. Her eyes started to flutter open. Her eyes landed on me, "What do you want?" she asked, her voice hoarse. 

I handed her a glass of water, "Here." she took it and drank the whole thing. I took a seat by her feet. "I wanted to tell you the real reason I kidnapped you, twice, I think, maybe three? I don't know, but the real reason was that your parents contacted me and told me they would pay big money for me to bring me their daughter, McKenzie Ann Adams. The said they would pay me up to 3 million dollars if I got them their daughter, alive. They also wanted you to be unharmed, but that's not going to happen. Anyway, I said I didn't need the money, however I have a brother who killed my wife and both of my children six months ago, but was said to be not guilty. But, I knew, know, he did it, I say it, and since your parents and both amazing lawyers, they said they would get he behind bars, at no cost, as long as I brought them there daughter alive," she remained silent the whole time, I thought she zoned out, until I told her about my brother, a single tear dripped from her eye, she didn't know them, yet she was crying about them. Couldn't hurt a fly.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, and looked down. "So, if you had a wife and two children, how old are you?" 

"Twenty," I said. Her mouth fell to the ground. "I'll explain, when I was ninteen, I met my wife. We fell in love instantly and nine months later she was in labor with my children, Ryan and Ava. But a month later, my brother was drunk, broke into my house and stabbed my children because they were crying. When my wife and I went to check on them, Eric was there with a knife over Ryan's blood filled crib. My wife fell to the ground sobbing, and Eric was so pissed he slit me t-th-throat, right in front of m-me," I finish and a tear runs down my cheek. 

"Oh, Alec," Kenzi says, and wraps her arms around my neck, I wrap my arms around her waist. "I'm sorry." We stay there for a few moments until we hear the front door slam open. 

"ALEC! MY DAUGHTER BETTER BE HERE!" Kenzi's father's voice echo's throughout my house.

A/N: See, you guys Alec isn't that bad, his brother killed his wife and children. I'd do the same. Type 'FOOD!' if you like food and/or read my author's notes. 



FAN! :] 


P.S. I'm sorry I lied! I;m not going to even make promises anymore.

P.P.S. If you are the first to type FOOD! you get the next chapter dedicated to you. 


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