Chapter 15- Not a minute too early

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"I swear, I didn't talk to him or see him," i say, and honestly it's true, he texted me, we didn't directly speak. 

Ian looks unconivced, he knows me to well, "Did you text him, facebook, kik, snapchat? Something?" 

"I can't tell you," I say.

"Why not?" Ian asks.

"He told me not to tell anyone," I immeadietly slap my hands over my hand. 

Ian smirks, "So, you guys did talk," Give me your phone."

"I can't," I say.

"Jared, get her phone," Ian orders.

"No!" I yell in Ian's bathroom and throw my phone down the toilet, and flush, Can't be too careful, I dropped that thing in snow five times, it could be water proof. {A/N: I accually did that, minus the whole toilet part, yeah I dropped it in snow five times, I'm accually shocked I still have a phone. Back to the story:D}

"No!" Ian and Jared yell. "WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Ian yells at the top of his lungs, causing Jace to enter the room. 

"What's going on?" he asks.

"Kenzi texted Alec, but wouldn't show us her phone, or read the messages. So, I told Jared to get her phone from her, but she over reacted and threw it down the toilet!" Ian explain/yelled.

"Well, that sounds like Kenzi," Jace says, and Jared nods.

"What did the messages say?" Jace asks me.

"I can't tell, he threatened to kill you all, even if I told you I talked to him, so.... See you in Hell!" I say, adding a little wave, and innocent smile, just cause I can.

"He's trying kill us anyway," Jared says.

I tell them from the note on the coffee machine to the text where he says his in the house. After the story, Jared and Jace spread out arond the house, looking for Alec. I walk to my room, to get changed into my jamies, What? We're all children at heart. I open the door and on my bed is a perfectly wrapped present. I sit on my bed and hesitently open it. Inside there's a Galaxy S5. 

"How did this get here?" I wonder aloud.

My phone dings, saying I have one unread message. 'rly, u have to ask?' from 'The One and Only' 

I text back: 'u r rly creepy' 

'No, not rly, there have been creepier'

'Says the 1 who is currently in my room, stalking me' 

'That's true, but let's make a deal?' 

'What kind of deal?' I can't resist a deal.

'Meet me @ the park @ midnight tonight n i'll let the every1 else go'

After a minute or two of debating I type: 'Deal'


It was finally 11:30 and I was getting ready to go. I pulled on leggings, a navy blue shirt that says 'Take a picture, It lasts longer,' in cursive, my midnight black converse, and a navy blue beanie. I snuck down the stairs, out the door, and down the road to the park. 

When I got there I got the feeling I was being watched, but when you're meeting Alec, what did you expect? I sat down on the bench, and  pulled out my lovely new phone to check the time. It read: 11:59:36. Not a minute too early, I think. 

I mentally count down, '37,






















'59,-" Alec walks over to me.

"Kenzi, you came," he says, in real disbelif.

"You're a second early," I say, in fake disbelif.

"Yes, I am aware. Now, follow me," he starts to walk away, and I run to catch up with him. 

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"You'll see," he says.

"No, tell me!" I stop walking.

"No, now come on," he turns around, halfway.


"I will pick you up, and carry you to the car." 


He walks over to me, reaches in his pocket and pulls out a cloth, he wraps it around my mouth. I scratch at his hand, but my consioness starts slipping away. So I do the only thing I can, I flip him off.

A/N: Short Chapter, yes, but I'm on break so i'll probably be updating alot this week to make up for my late chapters, kay? Okay. Um, this book is going to be ending soon, but you can read my other books.



FAN! :]


Not posting a new chapter until I get 60 votes, thats 6 more to go.

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