Chapter 9- Jared

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"Ah, Kenzi," Alec starter, pacing in front of me while the other two each held my arms so I couldn't leave. "I see you remember me."

The blond boy tied me to the chair while the brunette watched. "Sadly," I muttered hoping they would hear me but they did. The brunette slapped me across the face.

"Jared!" Alec snapped at him. "We need her in perfect condition."

"Why do you even need me?" I asked, tring my very best not to scream. Alec smirked.

"Well, we don't technically need you anymore. We  want t get revenge on Jace for ruining the plan, and, well, let's face it, he's grown quite fond of you."

"So, you're going to kill me?"


"Torture me?" 

"No-Oh good idea, Evan, write that down." I burst out laughing. "What are you laughing at?"

"You-you h-have a li-list."

"Shut her up, Jared." he snapped. I shut up immediately. "Okay, stop."

"These ropes are terribly uncomfortable. Can you, please, untie me. I promise I won't run away."

He sighed, "Jared." Jared walked up to me and untied. 

"There. Better?" Jared asked.

"Much," I said. "Now, what are you going to do to me?"

 "You'll see soon enough." Alec sighed.

"What no! You have to tell me!" he looked at Jared. "You-" Jared slapped me across the face making me fly across the floor and hit my head on the wall.

"JARED!" Alec snapped. 

"Holy-" I was cut off by Evan covering my mouth with his hand. 

"Is there a class going on right now?" he asked, removing his hand.

"What time is it?" I asked, with a headache creeping it's way in my head.

"Nine o'clock."


"Okay, get up." I stood up, but fell back down. "Look what you did, Jared, she can't even stand up. Way to go."

"Relax, I'll just carry her," Jared said, lifting me off the ground, carrying me bridal style. "You look pale, Kitten is it?"

"I wonder why," I said weakly. "And, you don't get to call me that." 

"I'll call you whatever I want." 

"Put me down!" I yelled, as we got into the empty hallway.

"Okay," he said, then dropped me.

"JARED!" Alec yelled. Now I really couldn't move. Every bone in my body hurt as i lay on the tiled floor. Just my luck, Jace came out of the bathroom, with Aaron right behind him. Aaron saw me fist and elbowed Jace in the ribs. then nodded to me, Jared, Alec, and Evan. Jace and Aaron ran over to us. Jared! Get Kenzi out of here!" Alec yelled. Jared bent down and picked me up.

"Put me down," I whisper weakly.

"Honey, you can't even talk, what makes you think you can walk?" he asked, mockingly.

"First, down call me Honey, ever again. Second, I can walk just fine." 

"Okay," he said putting me on my feet. "Come on, Sweetie," he winked and laughed. I took a step, but fell, towards him, might I add. "I have you falling for me already, don't I?" he smirked.

"I hate you so much," I stated, using his cheat to steady myself. 

"Oh, you love me."

"You wish," I tried taking another step, but fell to the ground. 

"Yup," he said, popping the 'p'. "Now come on, Sweetie," he bent down and brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"But, I can't walk, and you are not carrying me." 

I looked back to where Jace and Aaron were. Aaron and Evan were on the ground, knocked out. And Jace and Alec were throwing punches at each other. I started crawling over to Aaron. "Aaron?" I asked, but couldn't make it there, an arm wrapped around my waist. I started sobbing, "Don't touch me!" I pounded my hand on his chest. "Aaron?!" I sobbed.

"Come on, Kenzi," he picked me up, again. 

"No! Put me down!" I sobbed, into his chest.

"Sweetie, he'll be fine." 

"No, he won't! PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled, but we were  already outside, he set me down on the pavement. I stood up and used the wall to help me steady myself. I walked to the door we just came through. Jared wasn't paying attention, he was texting away on his phone. I started to pick up the pace and ran to the girls bathroom. I took my make up off and put t back on, by the tim I was done, first period was almost over. I ran back to where Jace, Aaron, Evan, and Alec were. Alec, and Evan were gone and Jace and Aaron were passed out. I shook them, hard. Jace awoke first then Aaron. 

"Hey, Kitten," Jace said. "Come on, let's get out of here."

"I'm not ditching," Aaron said.

"I am," me and Jace said in sync.

"Okay, but I will be telling Ian."

"Like I care," I said. "He would ditch, too, if just went through what just happened to me." We stared walking to Jace's car, while Aaron went back to class. "This is your fault, you know?"

"How was this my fault?"

"Well, I asked Alec why he was kidnapping me again, and he said, and I quote, 'Well, we don't technically need you anymore. We  want t get revenge on Jace for ruining the plan, and, well, let's face it, he's grown quite fond of you.'"


"Yeah, oh."


"I really hate you right now." We pulled into my driveway. "Why do you always come to my house?"

"You really think I would leave you alone after what happned today?"

"Well, you're not coming in," I stated getting out of the car and walking to the door, with Jace beside me, might I add. I fished out my keys and reailized my door was open. I looked at Jace with a 'um-you-see-this-doors-open-right?' look. He looked back with a 'yep- stay-here' look. I gave him a  'not-happening' look. I pushed open the door, to see Ian and a gil making out. I quickly covered my eyes. "Oh my God. EWW!" I yelled. I could mentally see Jace smirking. 

"Kenzi! Why are you home!?" Ian yelled.

"Long story, I'll tll you later," I ran upstairs, still covering me eyes. At the top of the stairs I ran into my room, where it was trashed with Alec climbing through the window. I screamed. Then passed out.

A/N: Well who was expecting that. Questions to think about:

Will Jace have to cmpete with Jared for Kenzi's attention?

What will Alec do to Kenzi?

What was he doing in her room? 





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