2.5 | A Romantic Jest

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London's West End was as bustling as it was the last time Fred Weasley was there. This time, however, he knew much more about it.

From what 'musicals' were playing in the theatres at the moment to what other activities one could do in the area, Fred had done all his research and got enough muggle money from Gringotts (Pound Sterling as they called it) to make sure he could plan everything well. He even had the menu of the nearest McDonald's to ensure he knew the names of the bizarre muggle dishes.

Fred scoffed lightly to himself. Look at him, preparing things. George had helped, of course, but he had to stay back to stock the new items before the shop opened for the say.

"That would be forty-two pounds, sir," says the young girl at the ticket booth. She was cute, but his mind was already preoccupied with someone.

Fred took the notes and coins out of his pocket, looking much more confident than he felt as he handed over money the money and collected the tickets. "Keep the change," he says, mostly because he did not know how to count them.

"Thank you. Hope you have a good date night, sir," she says politely.

He smiled, bidding his farewell. A good date night was exactly what he hoped to have.

As he had promised Margaret oh so long ago, he planned on surprising her with a date to the West End. Fred remembered how excited she was to be there and how much she knew about the place. He knew how happy a day off would make her.

A middle-aged couple passed him on the sidewalk, their hands entwined as they enjoyed their ice-creams. Fred smiled a little to himself.

He could just picture it already: him and Margaret there, enjoying their day, pretending they were a normal muggle couple; he could already think of seven lame jokes to make, knowing Margaret would scrunch up her nose at him but laugh at his cheesiness anyway.

It was then he felt the odd chill blanket over him.

He had come to know that it was related to the dementors and he could see the muggles around him feel it too. Suddenly, the bustling slowed; everything looked greyer and less happy.

Fred sighed.

While the thought of the date was exciting, Fred knew that it would take more effort on his side to fix the sudden gap he and Margaret had. Hell George spent more time with Margaret than he did, and she was his girlfriend.

The way he was treating Margaret was unfair but he had his fair share of reasons. How was he supposed to explain the terror he felt when she'd nearly died?

Fred remembered that night quite well, even though he would give anything to forget it...

An unfamiliar hare Patronus had burst into their new flat at one in the morning, startling him and George awake from where they had fallen asleep on the couches; Kingsley Shacklebolt's voice suddenly surrounded them:

"Break-in in the Ministry of Magic; Order sent for back-up; You-Know-Who is out of hiding... There have been losses on our side... Rendezvous at the Headquarters immediately."

Losses on our side...

Fred's first concerns were his parents. Was this it? Was this where they told them that their mother or their father did not make it?

He never imagined Margaret Xenakis to be one of the names. Surely, she was at Hogwarts, preparing to come back for the holidays. Surely, she was safe, as were his younger brother and sister.

They apparated to Grimmauld Place in a hurry, relieved to see their parents and Bill first.

Their moment of relief was short-lived, however, when their mother collapsed on Fred, apologising profusely through her tears. Their father was okay, Fred could see him standing at the head of the table, except he was giving him an unfamiliar look laced with what seemed to be pity.

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