2.9 | A Tale of Treachery

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"Do you have the amortentia I asked for?"

"Yes, I've got it; plenty of it," Ignatius answers, holding up a circular vial which Alfréd took and carefully stuffed in his satchel. "Must you leave? It doesn't seem like Grindelwald would lose-"

"I cannot stay," he breathes. "I need you to do me a last favour-"

"Alfie, calm down. Will you stay if I help-?"

"NO! You cannot- You must not stop me... Here. Take this," he thrusts Toujours Pur: La Terre into Ignatius's hands. "Bring this to Albus Dumbledore. He'll understand."

"Albus Dumbledore? The Transfiguration professor at-"

"-at Hogwarts, yes. He will know... I must go now... I trust you to hand this over to him, my friend. Keep it away from," Alfréd drops his voice, putting his hands on Ignatius's shoulders, "Gellert... at all costs."

Ignatius looked very panicked now. He held on to Alfréd's hands. "W- What if you're wrong?! This is suicide-!"

"You don't understand," Alfréd mutters, almost to himself, "This world... it is not... we are not... There was a reason why my ancestors moved away – a very good reason-"

"What're you-"

"This world is not pure!" he bellows, seeming positively insane. He draws a deep breath, "Ignatius, my friend. I am sorry. Please, remember me. Remember our friendship... Tell- Tell Lucretia I'm truly sorry... and take care of her..."

"Why must you leave?! Grindel-"

"DO NOT SAY HIS NAME! I overestimated him... He will require help, he won't ever forget his promise... I must go now... It deeply saddens me but this is a farewell, my friend. Remember... Toujours Pur La Terre!"

Alfréd Xenakis pushed away his friend, who tumbled down the dais, as he ran into the veil and disappeared beyond it...

"Did you bring a vial of love potion to Alfie before he left?"

The question lingered in the space, its presence almost tangibly suffocating. Margaret could hardly believe she had uttered it.

Out of all the memories she had seen, that particular one had haunted her the most. Her mind had drawn a million and one different conclusions; every one of them more horrifying and despicable than the previous, leaving the image of her father more and more tainted as the days passed.

Ignatius's words from only a few minutes ago came back to her, suddenly understandable the more she couldn't stop thinking about it:

I never meant to hurt your mother...

Ignatius was trembling as he shook his head, the fear in his eyes clear as day.

"Please... I- I don't-"

"Don't lie to me!"

Without her realising, Margaret's eyes had begun glowing scarlet. Around her, the decorative candle stands, brown photo frames, a plate of biscuits and even her half-empty teacup began levitating.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew none of this was appropriate if she was trying to get a stranger to trust her. It was partly unfair on the elderly wizard as well, because no matter what she asked it seemed to bring back terrible memories for him.

But she had no choice. Couldn't he see that this hurt her just as much? She needed answers, or the questions would end up suffocating her...

She needed to calm down... It would continue to hurt anyway. Just think of Mom, a voice whispered in the back of her mind. Just think of Athena, she never lost her cool.

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