2.23 |The Half-blood Prince

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The ceiling of the Great Hall was a serene blue, streaked with frail wisps of white clouds. Harry and Ron had met up with Hermione and Margaret in the common room before breakfast. As they tucked into their food Harry and Ron informed Hermione of the conversation they had had with Hagrid last night.

"You're not taking Care of Magical Creatures either, are you?" asks Harry.

Ron shook his head. "Hermione?"

"No," she answers, looking distressed. "But he can't really think we'd continue Care of Magical Creatures! I mean, when has any of us expressed any enthusiasm?"

"That's it, though, innit?" says Ron, swallowing an entire fried egg. "We were the ones who made the most effort in classes because we like Hagrid. But he thinks we liked the stupid subject. D'you reckon anyone's going to go on to N.E.W.T.?"

"Me," Margaret speaks up.

The three of them turned to her with a start. Clearly, they had assumed that nobody in their year would want to continue Care of Magical Creatures.

"You're going on to N.E.W.T. level with it?" asks Hermione incredulously. "Why?"

"Well, since I visited the Dragon Sanctuary and... and a few other places," says Margaret smilingly, "I realised I like fantastic beasts far more than plants that try to chew my arm off. Besides, I barely passed Herbology anyway."

"No one else would be there except you and Hagrid and, I dunno, flobberworms?" says Ron.

"No, I'm pretty sure Rolf Scamander from Hufflepuff is taking it. Even if it's just the two of us, that's fine."

Harry, Hermione and Ron didn't say anything else but looked sceptical.

Margaret sighed quietly. It didn't matter what they thought about her subject choices. She had started liking the outdoors and she was genuinely interested in learning about magical creatures. It was about time she started thinking about her own life in the Wizarding World too.

After they had eaten, they remained in their places as Professor McGonagall gave all the Gryffindors their class schedules. It took slightly longer for 6th year as Professor McGonagall had to confirm that everybody had achieved the necessary O.W.L. grades to continue on with their chosen N.E.W.T.s.

Hermione was immediately cleared to go on with Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Potions. She had to rush to her first lecture and bid a hasty goodbye to the others.

Soon, Harry too had his schedule with Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Transfiguration and Potions. A few minutes later, Ron received his schedule with the same subjects as Harry, and the two of them waited for Margaret.

"So, Miss Xenakis," says Professor McGonagall, consulting her notes with a crease between her brows. "Hmm... Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures... all fine. I must say I was very impressed with your Transfiguration grade, very impressed. Not many can achieve a good enough O.W.L. grade in their first year of studying magic."

"Thank you, Professor," says Margaret, slightly pleased.

"Very well done in Potions as well, yes. Well, here you are then."

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