2.1 | Peek Into the Past

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TRIGGER WARNING: As mentioned in the intro, this book is rated mature. There are some descriptions of torture/abuse in this chapter which may not be appropriate for all audiences. There will be a linebreak like this ━━━━━━━━━━━━ where it starts and ends so that those who wish to skip it can do so easily.


"Sirius Orion Black, born November 3rd, 1961, to Walburga and Orion Black. Convicted on October 31st, 1981 under charges of treason, and massacre of eleven Muggles and one wizard," begins Scrimgeour, looking unaware of Sirius agitation as he sat in the middle of the court under the gazes of the entire Wizengamot.

Scrimgeour went on, "Petition presented by Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin First Class, reinstated Chief Warlock of Wizengamot, reinstated Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, for rebuking the aforementioned charges on Sirius Orion Black, and instead locate the true traitor behind this, a man everyone thought dead: Peter Pettigrew."

Scrimgeour's voice echoed sharply in the courtroom. Unwillingly, many members began whispering in hushed tones.

Sirius, however, could not even attempt to decipher what they were saying despite having a couple of good guesses. His heartbeat was thumping too loudly in his ears for him to even think clearly.

Although his face appeared confident as usual, his shaking hands gripping the armrests, his constantly bouncing knee, his clenched jaw, and his stormy grey eyes shifting from one spot to another on the floor, gave away his nervousness.

Scrimgeour put down the file he was reading from and Sirius took the chance to steal a glance up at Dumbledore, who was sat in a throne-like chair behind the new Minister. As though feeling his gaze on him, Dumbledore shot a ghost of a wink at the opposite wall, a calm smile etched to his aged features.

"Members of Wizengamot," says Scrimgeour in a carrying voice, addressing his fellow legislators, "We have seen the proofs presented to the court – including, but not limited to, the memories of Remus John Lupin who had seen Peter Pettigrew on the night of June 6th, 1994, in the Shrieking Shack, Hogsmeade village, as well as the memories of Harry James Potter, who saw Pettigrew in the graveyard in Little Hangleton the night of the final task of Triwizard Tournament when Pettigrew murdered the boy named Cedric Diggory on He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's order. Both of these memories obtained by Chief Warlock Dumbledore and are confirmed to be real."

Scrimgeour shuffled through the papers in front of him and picked out an official-looking parchment with a red seal below.

"Lastly, we also have here the testimony from Chief Warlock Dumbledore in favour of Sirius Black's innocence, bringing to light the truth of what happened on the night of October 31st, 1981... Now," says Scrimgeour, placing the testimony back down and leaning forward on the desk in front of him, looking down at Sirius, continuing in a low tone, "fifteen years ago, you, Sirius Black, were not given a trial; nor given a chance to speak your truth... Before we move on to the voting, would you kindly tell us your firsthand account of what truly happened on the night of October 31st, 1981?"

Dumbledore coughed dryly behind Scrimgeour, and Scrimgeour immediately leaned back in his chair.

"That is, of course, if you wish to," he adds. "If you do not, we shall move on to the voting based on the proofs presented to the court."

Sirius looked at Scrimgeour; he really looked at him, noticing the man's battle scars striking across his wrinkles, the twitch in his jaw and his permanently narrowed eyes giving him the impression that he was constantly glaring.

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