2.19 | Somebody's Monster

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Draco was stood in the same pub, waiting, he realised, for Mundungus Fletcher. Surprisingly, the pub was still in business; unsurprisingly, there were not many customers around.

He cursed under his breath, checking his wristwatch. He should've invited Maximus along. At least he would've been able to buy them some firewhisky.

Draco looked around, pacing by the fireplace. Either Mundungus Fletcher was late or he had bailed. Honestly, he should've seen this coming. Partly because Fletcher was useless and partly because Draco's mother would never give him a task if it involved any sort of danger.

For Merlin's sake, when was his mother going to realise that he was not a bloody child?

At that moment, the fireplace near him blazed to life.

Scowling, he watched a dark-haired girl toppled out of it, coughing and spluttering. Rolling his eyes, he seized her by the shoulders and hauled her to her feet. She stumbled but regained her balance, dusting her turtleneck.

"What? Said the name wrong, did you?" sneers Draco. "They always end up in Knockturn Alley."

The girl looked startled. He couldn't help but think she was kind of pretty, if he ignored the soot dotting her face.

"I'm in Knockturn Alley?" she asks, eyeing their surroundings uneasily. "Why are you in Knockturn Alley?"

Who was she? She didn't sound English and had clearly not used the floo network properly...

"That's none of your business," he snarls. "Who even are you? You don't sound British."

"Margaret Xenakis. I moved here from Canada," she says, narrowing her eyes at him.

So he didn't know her, and yet she spoke to him in that self-righteous tone. If anything, she reminded him of Hermione Granger.

"Xenakis? Never heard of that. Mudblood, are you?"

"I wouldn't know, Malfoy," she spits back.

Draco narrowed his eyes at this, watching as her eyes flickered to his hand as he inched it towards his wand. Good. He wanted her to feel intimidated.

"How do you know my name?" he asks lowly.

"Your father is quite well known. Pale hair, grey eyes; it wasn't that hard to figure out," Margaret states.

He tilted his head up proudly. Draco's father was indeed quite well-known. She must've seen him in a newspaper.

"So... Can you tell me how I can get to Gringotts?" asks Margaret, causing Draco to scowl again.

"Like hell I'd help a Mudblood such as yourself!"

"You don't even know if I am one," she retorts.

"Then what are you?"

"Does it matter? You wouldn't leave a girl in an unfamiliar dangerous surrounding, would you?"

No, he wouldn't.

"Yes. Yes, I would."

"Whatever, Malfoy, I'll find my own way," she grits out, shooting him a nasty glare. For some reason though, it made him smirk when she knocked her shoulder into his while brushing past him.

Draco glanced around him once more. It didn't look like Mundungus was going to show his ugly face anytime soon. Shaking his head, he followed the girl to the door of the pub, seeing as she accidentally chose the right way to go. But guesswork would only get her so far in Knockturn Alley. She could end up in horrible places if she got lost in here.

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