2.0 | The Boy Who Had No Choice

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For a heartbeat, Margaret Xenakis truly believed that knowing the future and trying to save all those who did not deserve to die would be the only absolutely insane shot at fate she would have to make...

Dear, oh dear, was she wrong.

She scoffed slightly, despite herself, catching sight of her blurred reflection in the glass of the telephone booth.

Blonde did not suit her, but desperate times called for desperate measures...

6 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 2

The mechanical voice of the welcome witch sounded in the air. "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Kindly state your name and business."

"Adelaide Armstrong. Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

The telephone tinged and out fell a silver badge. Finally the booth descended downwards, and soon enough reached its destination:

"Level 8 - Atrium."

The Atrium looked different this time around.

First days of summer seemed to be be quite busy in the Ministry, with witches and wizards arriving from the gilded fireplaces on the right whilst others rushed out to designated work places from the fireplaces on the left. The place was full of chatter, so unlike the way it was the night Lord Voldemort himself stood inside that very corridor.

The path opened up past the fireplaces to a beautiful fountain representing equality amidst all magical beings; up above a peacock blue, dome-like ceiling was lit with golden symbols moving across it as a large poster of the new Minister for Magic - Rufus Scrimgeour - waving gently. On either sides, high walls held galleries for the press and prints offices for the Daily Prophet, and other official posters and documents to be printed by the Ministry.

Some of the most often seen flyers contained the official information released after the recent confirmation of Lord Voldemort returning:



The Wizarding Community Is Currently Under Threat From An Organisation Calling Itself


B E W A R E ! !

A weedy looking wizard dressed in uniform with the Daily Prophet logo was selling the morning's newspapers on the side of the fountain under the centre of the dome-like ceiling; advertising the headline loudly:

"Daily Prophet, ladies and gentlemen. 'Sirius Black: Murderer or Victim?'"

Margaret's boots tapped on the polished dark tiles as she walked past the fountain briskly, her one hand stuffed in the pocket of her black coat, holding - hiding - the silver visitor's badge. Her head ducked, but her eyes remained trained on the security desk ahead, glowing underneath the enchanted black-rimmed glasses.

The security wizard registering the visitors' wands looked down at the precise moment as Margaret neared him and, for a fleeting second, crimson swirled within his irises. He looked up as she reached him and smiled as though he knew her very well.

"Good morning, Miss Adelaide."

"G'morning, Eric," she greets politely, passing him and the queue of visitors without being halted and entering the awaiting elevator with employees.

"Level two, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, please," she whispers to the liftman, reaching up to hold one of the handles.

"Right-o," says the liftman, eyes swirling with crimson before he blinked.

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