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The title is like a summoning spell.

Also fits for the content of the chapter.

Enjoyy (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~


The news that Ron had been poisoned spread quickly next day, but it did not cause the sensation that Katie's attack had done.

People seemed to think that it might have been an accident, given that he had been in the Potions master's room at the time, and since he had been given an antidote immediately there was no real harm done.

In fact, the Gryffindors were generally much more interested in the upcoming Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, for many of them wanted to see Zacharias Smith, who played Chaser on the Hufflepuff team, punished soundly for his commentary during the opening match against Slytherin.

This burden fell on Margaret. Although she had to admit, it felt less like one in wake of recent happenings. As a matter of fact, she was looking forward to grilling Zacharias Smith.

Once again, the amount of time Margaret and Harry were spending together had increased substantially.

When he was not at practice or when they were not busy doing homework, Harry schooled her on all things Quidditch. When he was not doing that, he was using her as a human shield to dodge Lavender Brown.

The second time he did so, Margaret had not been quick enough. As a result, she had to sit next to Lavender all through Charms, listening to her doning on and on and on about Ron, all her relationships and her relationship with Ron. It was almost as painful as Umbridge's detentions used to be.

"Ow – I'm sorry!" says Harry when Margaret smacked him upside the head as soon as they were out in the hallway. "She won't leave me alone. I thought maybe you could tell her off. She might listen to another girl."

"Well, she did not! All she wants to do is ask about what Won-Won said about her new dress robes and if he considers their relationship to be 'serious'." Margaret huffed, hitching her satchel up her shoulder when someone caught her eye. Perfect. She waved above her head. "Oi, McLaggen!"

"What are you doing?" demands Harry, pulling her hand down; she simply raised her other one.

"McLaggen – Hey!"

"Hey?" says the buff blond Gryffindor, crossing the packed corridor to get to them.

Margaret saw Harry shooting her a sharp, panicked look from the corner of her eye, but she ignored it.

"Harry was just telling me how great your strategy was the other day!" she tells him, smiling a little too wide.

McLaggen eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Really. Why don't you – ow – both head to lunch?" Margaret chuckled, trying to untangle her arm from Harry's grip with much difficulty. "I'm sure there's many more such strategies to talk about!"

"There are, actually," says McLaggen, turning to Harry. "So you know the Beaters, they're really lousy with-"

She managed to wrestle her limb out of his hold and gave him a push towards McLaggen.

"Excellent point, McLaggen," she says, having no idea what he had just said but positively beaming at Harry's misery. "Enjoy!"

She watched them go, grinning to herself. Ah, revenge was sweet.


Lavender materialised out of nowhere, gripping Margaret's wrist.

"I'm going up to see Ron, will you come with me? Parvati doesn't want to because he's always asleep when I visit him! It gets so boring..."

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