2.39 | The Fred Side

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~ author's ramblings ~

The response in the previous chapter was amazing! I'm excited to see you all excited!

So here is, as promised, a glimpse into Fred's perspective 😉



It was another bright day at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, one of the only shops still in full business at Diagon Alley.

It gave a sense of normalcy to the place. By just staying open all days of the week, the joke shop had inspired other shop owners in the alley to open their businesses at least for a couple of hours in a day.

Those who walked into the cobbled street were drawn to the brilliant storefront of bright colours and fireworks like moths to flames. Even if they didn't need anything, they walked in. Once they walked in, they never left empty-handed or without a smile on their faces.

The Weasley Twins had become well-known amongst London's wizarding population pretty quickly.

Some thought they were stupid to be outwardly defying the Death Eaters with their products like 'You-Know-Poo' and Dark Mark jellies. Others thought they were brave and always very warm and welcoming to each customer. Their WonderWitch line of products made especially for witches of all ages had won over hearts of many women, resulting in several articles praising them in the Daily Prophet and Witch Weekly.

The success had been so great that sometimes it was easy to forget the war that was still brewing outside.

Fred had begrudgingly chosen to figure out the accounts that morning while George worked on new batches of some products. He rubbed his forehead, wondering if it would be better to hire someone or bribe Bill to do their accounts for them.

No, Fred didn't actually enjoy maths whatsoever. But he could stand it more than he could stand the smell of love potions.

Coffee, a kind of muggle shower gel and pumpkin pies.

It all reminded him of Margaret.

Walking into a room filled with cauldrons full of Amortentia was like walking into his own Azkaban cell. Though instead of depriving him of good memories, it reminded Fred of what he no longer had.

Of what he perhaps never had.

Thankfully, George had no such problem even though he had taken this as a chance to tease Fred on every occasion. Amortentia was now referred to as the 'un-smellable potion'.

Speak of the devil, George walked into the back office that very moment, holding mail in his hand and reading one of the letters with a frown on his face.

"What is it?" asks Fred, leaning back in his chair. He would gladly take any moment away from maths. "Whose letter is that?"

"Hang on," drawls George, taking his sweet time to read what appeared to be two different letters. "One's from McGonagall, actually, arrived just now. Here. And this one's from Ginny."

"Give me Ginny's-"

"I haven't read it yet. You should read McGonagall's first," says George, waving the letter in front of Fred's face, still frowning. "It says they're strictly banning all our products from Hogwarts, especially the love potions."

"Spoiler alert," mutters Fred, taking the letter. He read it while George was reading Ginny's letter, feeling bemused.

The letter didn't say anything new; Filch had already banned their products at the start of the year and that had never stopped them. The only thing new was that a student had fainted due to some chocolates laced with Amortentia and they had figured out how the love potions were being sent.

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