2.31 | The Order's Aid

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Monday arrived with a surprise at the crack of dawn. Margaret had barely slept for two hours so she struggled for a moment to open her eyes. Although when she saw an upside-down top hat floating above her head, she jumped out of bed with a start.

The familiar hat did not seem to mind her impoliteness. It only levitated closer to her, urging her to pick up whatever it was carrying.

"Dumbledore..." she yawns tiredly, reaching into the hat. Why was she the only one who received his messages in such fancy ways?

Dear Margaret,

I apologise for such a notice at this early hour, but I would like you to travel with me today. Kindly meet me in my office in half an hour.


A. P. W. B. D.

The hat righted and tipped itself in farewell before vanishing.

To say Margaret was confused would be an understatement, but the message was enough to snap her out of her sleep.

Under fifteen minutes, she had put on her travel clothes, packed a small side-bag with necessities, grabbed her wand and was knocking on the Headmaster's door. She stepped inside after a voice told her to enter.

"Before time, Margaret," says Dumbledore, dressed unusually in a shirt, pants and a thick long coat. Atop his head sat the top hat. The only other time Margaret had seen him wear something similar was when he had taken up the disguise of his younger self while in Paris last year.

"Too curious to wait, sir," she says, joining him by the balcony. "Where are we going?"

"Grimmauld Place, to meet with the Order of the Phoenix," replies Dumbledore, offering a small smile. "I believe it is time that we start planning for the future."

So today was the day she would tell the Order a bit about the future. Margaret nodded without question. She knew that anymore delay was unnecessary.

"Are you ready?" asks Dumbledore.

"Planning for the future never really stops, Professor," she comments, smiling back. "I'm ready."

As soon as they appeared in Grimmauld Place, Dumbledore and Margaret were greeted by half a dozen startled Order members. Margaret had teleported them directly inside the headquarters, which was not something they saw every day.

Sirius and Remus were quick to greet them, followed by Mr Weasley, Bill, Mad-Eye Moody, and a mournful-looking Tonks. Following Tonks was a woman who looked so much like Bellatrix Lestrange that Margaret did double-take.

"Hello, Margaret! My daughter has told me a lot about you," says the woman, her smile genuine and not insane like her sister. "I don't believe we've met-"

"Andromeda Tonks," says Margaret, smiling when the woman looked surprised. "I know you. It's good to finally meet you."

"Likewise! This is my husband-"

"Ted Tonks," interrupts Margaret, shaking his outstretched hand. "Your daughter talks a lot about both of you."

The says daughter had already slipped into a seat furthest from them, staring blankly at the table in front of her, her hair the same shade of chestnut brown as her father. It didn't take a genius to realise Tonks was not on great terms with either of her parents at the moment.

"Really?" says Andromeda. "What else has she says?"

"All good things! She told me told me you made incredible cheese cauliflower and pasta, and she told me about your vinyl collection, Mr Tonks."

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