2.27 | Ace Of All Trades

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Draco Malfoy was jumpy and Daphne wanted to know why.

Before she started though, Daphne Greengrass would like to make it very clear that she did not poke her way into people's business. Not usually. Nope.

Only Blaise Zabini would disagree. But that boy noticed too much for his own good anyway.

Theodore Nott would back her up... if given the right price. He had a knack for figuring things out faster than Harry Potter could catch the snitch.

Either way, the two boys knew Daphne too well and it would never not annoy her.

"Dragon Bad Breath is hiding something," she chimes as soon as she found them in the queue outside Charms class.

Daphne had learned pretty early on that there was no point in hiding anything from Blaise and Theo. In fact, she would be lying if she said that wasn't dying to talk to them about this. They were the only ones who believed her crazy theories because they had seen most of them turn out to be true.

"You weren't at breakfast," Theo points out.

Daphne rolled her eyes. "Yes, Captain Obvious."

"Neither was Draco- Ohhh."

Note to self: strike any compliment addressed to Theodore Nott.

"You're getting rusty, Nott," Blaise comments. "According to my observations, Draco has two wands."

"How do you know?" Theo challenges, jokingly sizing Blaise up. It was comical because Blaise was easily the tallest Slytherin in their year, towering over Theo by almost a whole head.

"He keeps patting his robes to make sure something's there. When he brushed past us, I felt them knock my side."

"And?" queries Daphne.

"And he's standing the farthest from anyone, even Crabbe and Goyle, with his back to the wall. So I'd say he doesn't want to be found and certainly doesn't want to be sneaked up on."

"How do you do that?" Theo whines.

"I pay attention."

"Do you think he'll be skipping class again?" asks Daphne.

"No, or he'd have his guards by him, wouldn't he?" says Blaise. He glanced quickly to his left. "Here comes Trouble."

"Oh, I should go say hi! It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Don't. Theodore, do not-! Theo! Oh, come on!" Daphne cursed as he slipped out of her reach. Maybe Theo's only quality was that he was stupid. "Please don't tell me when he makes a fool out of himself..."

"Are you sure you want me to keep the entertainment to myself?" says Blaise, amused.

It was one of the mornings where Margaret had awoken at an unreasonable hour and couldn't go back to sleep. She blamed that on spending majority of the weekend in bed and messing up her sleep schedule. Alas, lying in bed would've done her no good.

Once she caught up with her remaining homework, she decided to go for an early breakfast. By the time her friends arrived, she had had her food and seemed to be reading. Truthfully, however, nothing could hold her attention. She was simply procrastinating going to find Draco. She needed her wand back but she also did not want to see him.

At last, she told Hermione she would go to class early and save their seats. She made a detour to the dungeons but did not come across Draco. Partly relieved and partly annoyed, Margaret had finally made her way to Charms.

And of course, Draco Malfoy had to be right there the whole time, standing near people so she couldn't speak to him.

Margaret glared in his general direction. It was childish, really. He knew they would need to speak at some point, he had taken her wand-

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