2.52 | Pesky Little Mistle-foes

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"Not so loud," groans the Fat Lady, swinging forward to reveal the portrait hole.

"You were snoring," mutters Margaret, shaking her head to herself. Apparently the Fat Lady had gotten drunk on her thousand-year old mead again.

As soon as Margaret entered the common room, she made a beeline to where Harry and Hermione were sitting together. She did not want to get stuck sitting with Ron and Lavender because Ron looked like he was about to call her over to be his saving grace.

Harry jerked straight up in his seat as soon as he spotted her, entirely disregarding whatever conversation he and Hermione were having.


From the look of mingled shock and pity that Hermione shot her, Margaret had a feeling it had something to do with Markus. She ignored it and perched on the armrest of Harry's chair.

"Hullo," she greets. "Anything new, Hermione?"

"Erm... not much. Harry was just saying how-"

"-How I had a row with the Rufus Scrimgeour!" he interrupts. "So, as I was saying, he kept insisting I should be seen coming in and out of the Ministry. I refused, so he calls me Dumbledore's man through and through..."

Harry cringed, much to Margaret's amusement. Poor guy was trying so hard to spare her feelings. It was sweet, but he did not need to worry.

"Well, speaking of Dumbledore," she says, digging into her pocket and pulled out a roll of parchment with Dumbledore's note on it. "I don't know why he prefers sending me playing cards in top-hats but insists on sending you these. I think it's because I've teased his fashion sense so many times... Anyway, next meeting is tomorrow night."

"Brilliant," says Harry, looking slightly relieved. "Have you spoken to him, then? Dumbledore, I mean."

"Yes, I've bee with him since early this morning," says Margaret, glancing around and dropping her voice so only the two of them could hear her. "We visited Neville's parents at his house. They're doing really great! I could hardly believe it. The progress they've both made in the past few months has been incredible!"

"That's great news!" says Hermione, smiling. "No wonder Neville's been in such good spirits. He stood up to a couple of third year Slytherin boys who were bullying someone in the Great Hall earlier."

"It wouldn't have been possible without you, Margie," says Harry sincerely. "His parents mean a lot to him."

Margaret waved it off modestly, but she was distracted when Hermione stiffened. Lavender - as a result of whatever Ron was doing with her - was giggling rather loudly on the couch behind them.

"Excuse me, I must go vomit-"

Margaret caught Hermione's arm before she could so much as get up. She shot her a mischievous smirk, rummaging in her pocket for a moment before discretely showing the item to Hermione, who raised a brow.

"A mistletoe?"

"It's not any regular mistletoe, my dear 'Mione."

"Is it one of Fred and George's products? You know they're banned, right?"

"The term starts tomorrow, so for this evening, you're not technically a Prefect. So, you can't say no," says Margaret, her smirk widening. She quickly pointed her wand at the mistletoe and whispered a charm under her breath before Hermione could protest.

"What was that spell?" Hermione's eyes widened as Margaret levitated the Mistle-foe over the couch where Won-Won and Lav-Lav were.

"A special one Fred told me about. Just watch."

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