2.37 | Falling

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Halfway through November came the highly anticipated Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Quidditch match.

Half an hour into the game, Gryffindor was leading with sixty to zero where Ginny had scored four out of six goals. Whilst an unusually confident Ron had saved about eleven of Slytherin's attempts with some spectacular moves.

This effectively stopped Zacharias Smith, the salty Hufflepuff who was commentating, from wondering aloud if the two Weasleys were only on the team because Harry liked them.

Though he continued commenting on the overall abilities of the Gryffindor team players as well as Harry's 'doubtful' captainship; much to chagrin of the Gryffindor crowds, who jeered and booed whenever he said something of the sort.

However, soon enough, the match heated up.

Everyone's attention was drawn towards the sky when Harry and the Slytherin seeker, Harper, sped upwards at an alarming speed, almost neck to neck.

The crowd held their breath. Although none of them could see it, it was obvious that they had spotted the Snitch.

Then Harper fumbled, shooting past the Snitch, and Harry wasted no second in catching it.

The crowd erupted into deafening cheers and applause, and the Gryffindor team swarmed their Captain in a midair huddle-everyone except Ginny, who sped right on past them until, with an almighty crash, she collided with the commentator's podium, knocking out Zacharias Smith.

As Margaret laughed along with the crowd, she noticed out of her peripheral that Hermione was making her way to the stairs. Confused, she followed her friend.

"Hermione? Hey, wait," she says, falling into step with her as they descended from the stands. "What's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong," says Hermione irately. "You saw Ron."

"Yeah, he played very well," says Margaret. "He is a great keeper, he just needs to be confident."

"Or lucky."

"Is this about what happened at breakfast?" asks Margaret, referring to when Harry seeming put Liquid Luck into Ron's pumpkin juice. "Hermione... I was sitting right next to Harry. I don't think he actually put anything."

Hermione rounded on Margaret, pulling her away from the oncoming swarm of crowd and dropping her voice low so that only she could hear her, "Then how do you explain Ron's performance?"

"Placebo, 'Mione. Harry didn't say what he was putting in that juice, but I'm sure Ron guessed it. He only needed to think that Harry had given him Liquid Luck so that he'd believe that he can't fail, no matter what."

Hermione blinked, looking conflicted for a moment. Then she shook her head to herself and began walking in the direction of the changing rooms again.

"It's still not fair," she says remorsefully. "Harry wouldn't do that for any other player-"

"He would do what's necessary to win the game-"

"It's unethical!"

"I get that... But please, think about it," Margaret insists, catching up with her. "Not everyone can be confident enough in front of thousands of people. At least talk to Harry about it-"

"Talk to me about what?"

They had reached the Gryffindor changing rooms and most of the team seemed to have just left. The only ones remaining were Harry and Ron, who had both showered and changed out of their Quidditch robes. Margaret cursed to herself, shooting Hermione a look of warning that she hesitantly met.

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