2.28 | Rekindling An Odd Liking

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"Professor, did Morgana have a raven?"

The question came out of nowhere and Margaret blurted it out before she could stop herself.

Professor McGonagall looked appalled. "I beg your pardon?"

"Morgana," repeats Margaret calmly. "She went here, didn't she? To Hogwarts?"

"Miss Xenakis, I do not know where you heard this information, but I can assure you that it is not true," states Professor McGonagall strictly. She took a deep breath before looking at the young witch with a bit more compassion. "That name has a very murky and dark history. You might've seen her on Chocolate Frog Cards, and Professor Binns must've taught about her in his class, but that is all we know about her. Everything else is myth and guesswork of fiction writers across Wizarding and Muggle worlds."

Margaret averted her eyes and nodded. There was no point trying to get answers out of McGonagall.

"Thank you, Professor," she says, offering a small smile. "I'll head off to Defence Against the Dark Arts now. I'm sorry I didn't perform well in your class today..."

"It's all right," says McGonagall, watching Margaret walk backwards to the door. "And Miss Xenakis?"


"Do not teleport."


For once, Margaret listened to the teacher. She walked closer to the arched windows, peering at the sky to catch sight of the black bird. A part of her was anxious about being late to Snape's class, but a bigger part of her wanted to see that raven again. It had to be the same one that showed up in Dumbledore's office that day, and she really wanted to know more about it.

Had it really followed her all the way from France? How had it managed to get her wand? How had it known that it belonged to her?

Moreover, she hadn't forgotten the flock of ravens that had tried to lead her off her path on her way to Merlin. They hadn't harmed her at all, only pretended to attack, which confused her all the more. Had she accidentally hurt one of them? If the bird was here for vengeance, why was it helping her?

Ravens remembered those who were kind to them.

It also made her wonder if the bird was some sort of sign from Merlin.

Alas, the raven was nowhere to be seen and Margaret could not risk being any later to Snape's class. So she hurried her way towards the Grand Staircase, not exactly paying attention to where she was going as she turned around the corner. At the last second, she saw someone rushing up the stairs and instinctively jumped aside.

The person, on the other hand, lost his balance and tripped.

"Oh- I'm so sorry-!"

"Get off me!"

Instantly recognising the blinding blond head, she stepped back, hands raised in mock surrender.

Draco pushed to his feet, eyes zeroing on the wand in her hand while Margaret caught a glance of the few odd scratches on his cheek as well as the back of his hand that were bleeding.

"What happened to your-"

"How'd you get-"

"You go on," says Margaret quickly, watching as he lifted his hand to his face.

"I s'pose your crow gave you your wand?" he snarls.

"It's a raven actually," she corrects, "And it isn't mine. Did it do that to you?"

Draco did not answer. He hitched his polished leather side-bag up his shoulder and began making his way downstairs again. Margaret had a feeling that he too was trying to find the said raven.

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