2.57 | The Oaken Abode

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~ author's ramblings ~

This chapter has major Book 3 significance.

Read and figure out how. The one with the best theory gets a dedication next chapter! 👀

Tehehe I love the theories you guys come up with, it's been a while.


History seemed to be repeating itself.

Quite like the previous time Harry, Fred and George had eavesdropped on Margaret and Draco's conversation, they had come back with a lot more questions than they had went in with.

Fred and George had dropped by the hospital wing to tell Mr and Mrs Weasley that they were going to visit the Gryffindor common room to help Harry with something about Quidditch.

When they reached the mercifully peaceful common room, Hermione had fallen asleep on one of couches while waiting for them. Margaret had awoken her and filled her in on what had happened, with Harry piping in once in a while with questions.

"How did you get out of there?" was the first question Hermione asked, and it was directed at Harry.

"Well, Malfoy left pretty much immediately, then Dumbledore and Margie left," he replies. "We followed after."

"And Dumbledore didn't notice you all there?" asks Hermione sceptically.

"He knew that Harry was meant to be there," Margaret answers this time. "I insisted that he ought to be present, if possible. I didn't want him out of the loop. I thought maybe you'd come along, Hermione. I just didn't..." She trailed off, scratching her brow and glancing at Fred and George, who had both been uncharacteristically quiet throughout the recap. "I just didn't expect... you two. But the more I think about it, it's better this way."

"Would you have told us everything had we not overheard it?" asks Fred.

Margaret nodded. "You'd have found out eventually, along with the rest of the Order."

"But not all the details, right?"

Margaret sighed to herself, taking a moment to contemplate the question.

"I know that I... keep a lot secrets," she begins. "But sometimes, it's because some of them are too complicated to explain. Had you not heard everything you did, I wouldn't know how to begin to explain. Do I begin at the beginning? Do I include all the irrelevant details? How could I possible explain reactionary responses while simultaneously trying to make you understand that I knew what I was doing? Do you... know what I mean?"

She looked from Harry to Fred to George to Hermione and back to Fred again. They all wore expressions ranging from conflict to understanding. At least Hermione seemed sympathetic.

If Margaret expected the three boys to be unkind about the whole ordeal, she was thankfully proven wrong. All Harry, Fred and George asked Margaret to explain everything.

"Tell the whole truth," says Fred seriously. "From the beginning to tonight."

"As much as you remember," adds George. "We'll do our best to understand. We do trust you."

Both Fred and Harry nodded at this, making Margaret feel somewhat relieved.

If that was what they wanted to hear, Margaret had no problem telling them everything to the best of her abilities. After all, they knew a lot anyway.

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