2.47 | Family

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"HE KNEW!" Margaret gasps, trying to sit upright, but Fred refused to let go. So she grasped his hand to get his attention. "He knew! My father saw my magic that night! He- he knew all along!"

Margaret didn't know whether to laugh or cry or scream.

Her whole family had lied to her.

Her brother had magic, he had been alive, and he had said nothing.

Her mother knew about both their magic for who knew how long, and she had said nothing.

Her father... Dear, oh dear, he had said nothing about so many damn things.

"They were all liars," she breathes, burying her face in Fred's neck, wanting nothing more than to hide away forever. "They are all liars... My brother, my mother, especially my father... I can't believe I ever- I've been so, so foolish..."

"Don't say that," says he sharply, a sob catching in his throat. "You're anything but foolish. You're incredible- in every way, and anyone who doesn't understand that never deserved you."

There was an adamant 'woof' of agreement. Margaret opened her eyes to find Padfoot standing with his front paws on the bed beside her. Noticing her looking at him, he shuffled closer, allowing her to scratch behind his ear.

Though she would never admit it, she had despised her magic for saving her. It seemed as though her powers won't let her live nor would they let her die.

However, her perspective had changed overtime.

She had a choice to live, to grow up. There were so many things she hadn't known then, so many skills she hadn't learned, so many places she had never seen and so many people she had never met.

If her magic hadn't saved her that night, she would have never had the chance to save anyone else.

She had forgotten for a while that there were things that were in her control. Whether she chose to let her grief consume her or whether she chose to live the life she had gotten was up to her.

So what if she didn't know what was coming every time? Margaret could face things as they came. She was brave enough to do that. There was no point worrying herself sick.

Slowly, the tingling under her skin subsided. Her powers went dormant until she needed them again.

Her breathing cleared, as did her blurry eyesight. Her head still felt heavy and her throat still hurt from holding back tears, but she was beginning to feel better.

"What's going on? Oh my- Margaret! Is she all right?"

Mrs Weasley had appeared in the door, carrying a small tray full of vials in one hand and a plate of food in another, an expression of mingled concern and surprise on her face.

Margaret imagined they all looked quite odd indeed - Fred was in her bed, she was half lying on him and Sirius was in his animagus form, standing with his front paws on the mattress.

"I'm alive...!" Margaret rasped out with as much cheer as she could muster.

Although she had made a joke like that before, this time she felt Fred flinch behind her. She turned her head to see if he was okay, but he swooped down and placed a tender kiss on her forehead, then untangled himself from her and got up.

Her eyes followed him as he went to stand by the window, his back to her. He seemed to be rubbing his eyes, sniffling, but otherwise he just seemed stiff.

"Oh my! It's so good to see you awake, dear," says Mrs Weasley, hurrying over to her. "Paws off the bed, Sirius!"

Padfoot barked, waggling his tail. He jumped down, took a turn on the spot and transformed back into himself.

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