2.8 | The Two Pasts

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Disclaimer: My depiction of the Druidian culture is vaguely based on reality. It is not meant to offend anyone or insult its rich history in any manner. It is written differently to fit the story set in a different, fantasy world.


The air was alive, vibrating with a sort of hum that suggested a strong magical presence. It was powerful, it was old... And yet, it felt as welcoming as the open arms of a mother.

With a poof, the golden wisps disappeared altogether but Margaret didn't mind as much as she would have a few minutes ago. They had done their job and led her to her destination.

Margaret tilted her head back, wondering where the ceiling of the cavern had gone, and almost fell back in surprise.

There was a ceiling above the tall structure, yes, except it wasn't solid. A shimmering layer of dark blue seemed to be held up by an invisible barrier right above, the tip of the flag a hairsbreadth away from touching it.

She was directly under the Galbena Lake.

For a moment, she thought she saw a tangled knot of seaweed. It shot out of sight surprisingly swiftly as she began ascending the wide marble staircase. She was too taken by the sight in front of her; eager to see what was inside.

As soon as she stepped onto the level, the torches on the four edges lit up with shimmering golden flames. Here, the effect of gold on marble was ethereal – the interior, beautiful as it was even at first glance, seemed to have come alive with an unearthly glow. The sense of warmth made Margaret realised how cold it had gone with the body of water above.

The entire structure was made of marble. The stairs had led to an open space with a curved ceiling some fifteen feet above, held up by four pillars. Up ahead was a closed wooden door and Margaret was pretty sure that the tower-like structure she had seen from outside was above whatever was behind it.

Stood right in front of the pillars were figurines of magical and muggle animals. The one on Margaret's right was a dragon, on her left was a griffin, on the opposite left was a snake, and on the opposite right was a lion.

Even the floor below seemed to have been constructed using geometric details. A large patterned circle was in between the bordered rectangular space, adorned with intricate golden-yellow designs. In the very centre of the circle was a bronze flower.

Margaret wondered briefly if it was actual metal used in the carvings and, after a brief moment of consideration, took her shoes off. Somehow being barefoot felt more grounding as she walked further into the space, mesmerised by the beauty of it all. The magic here felt strangely natural, as though it was a part of the air itself. She couldn't explain why she felt so drawn towards it, why it felt so familiar...

"I see you found your way inside."

Margaret nearly jumped out of her skin. She spun around to find the woman who had been in the boat with her and Tara earlier, leaning casually against the left pillar.

"Nadia!" Margaret exclaims. Her heart was thumping so fast within her chest that she was afraid it was going to burst out. How had she not noticed the woman following her? "Er... I was just admiring... I mean, I lost my way..."

Nadia raised a single greying eyebrow, her yellowish-green eyes staring at her. Margaret gave a small guilty smile.

"I'm sorry," she murmurs. "I don't know what came over me – I know the rules, I'm not supposed to go anywhere without an employee – oh please don't put Charlie in trouble for this! It's my fault, I'm really sorry-"

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