2.40 | Do's and Don't's of Dating

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Human Transfiguration came surprisingly easy to Margaret. She had managed to change the colour of her eyebrows from black to purple to green and back to black on the second attempt. It earned her five points to Gryffindor from Professor McGonagall and she was learning how to change the colour of her hair by the end of their last lesson before Christmas break.

However, the lesson wasn't going as well for her friends.

Hermione laughed unkindly at Ron's disastrous first attempt, during which he somehow managed to give himself a spectacular handlebar moustache; Ron retaliated by doing a cruel but accurate impression of Hermione jumping up and down in her seat every time Professor McGonagall asked a question, which Lavender and Parvati found deeply amusing and which reduced Hermione to the verge of tears again. She raced out of the classroom on the bell, leaving half her things behind.

Margaret touched the tip of her wand to Harry's eyebrow while he was collecting Hermione's stuff for her. "One of your eyebrows was lime yellow," she tells him, suppressing a grin.


"No worries, now they both are."

Harry turned to her, wide-eyed, then looked behind her at one of the large mirrors. Sure enough, his eyebrows were both bright yellow.

"Margie! Put them back now-"

"Why? It's so," she wheezes, "classy. You should keep them for the party!"

Shaking his head, Harry gathered Hermione's remaining things. "I'll just ask Hermione to fix them-but this isn't over!"

"Sure is!" she drops her voice because Ron was standing just behind them. "That's for making me sit with Won-Won and Lav-Lav."

"You are cruel," he whispers back.

Snickering to herself, Margaret watched him leave before turning to grab her bag and catching sight of the one person she had been thinking about for a while now.

"Oi, Daphne!"

For once, Daphne was not following Pansy Parkinson and her gaggle of girls but standing with Theo Nott after most Slytherins had left. The three of them, Blaise included, had become some form of acquaintances due to being in Care of Magical Creatures with Margaret, but it wasn't like them to talk outside that lesson.

Still, Margaret fell into step with both of them.

"Greetings, Maggie," says Theo, the usual carefree smirk on his face.

"Greetings, Theodore," she says before turning to Daphne. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Er, packing?" says Daphne, now confused. "Why?"

"Well, Slughorn is having a Christmas party and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me? I mean, as friends, of course."

Daphne and Theo exchanged surprised looks before Theo stepped in front of Margaret so that he was walking backwards, facing her.

"I must say, I'm truly wounded," he says, a hand on his chest. "All of me, myself and I in front of you and you ignore it."

"I'm so sorry, my dear," Margaret plays along.

"Too late! My heart is already broken-"

"So will be your head if you don't walk straight," Daphne deadpans. Grinning at her, Theo stepped on Margaret's other side. Daphne turned to her, frowning, "Why me? Aren't you supposed to bring a date?"

"'A girl must bring a guy' and 'a guy must bring a girl' said no rule ever," Margaret tells her, rolling her eyes. "The invitation just says we can bring guests."

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