2.17 | Found Friendships

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Houses were of different kinds. Some were bought, some were built from the ground, some were passed down, and some were made and held up by magic.

Yet what made a house home was the family living in it.

The Xenakis family lived in one of the most luxurious mansions up West in Quebec, Canada. The property was passed down from generations and covered a large part of a hill, including a forest where the family mausoleum was built.

Divided into two wings, East and West, the house itself had everything a house could offer and more. It was made and maintained to cater to the occupants' wants; with sixteen rooms in each wing, a swimming pool on each side, a jogging track circling around the magnificent garden, plus a gaming room, a minibar and a home theatre.

Margaret Xenakis won't pretend she had a terrible childhood in a place where everything was at her beck and call.

In fact, she had a wonderful childhood, with a twin as notorious for trouble as she was, and parents who pampered them. Sure, she might not have been on the best terms with her five cousin sisters, her Uncle and her Aunt – who all harassed her for existing – but all things considered, she could not complain.

Their mother took them to Australia every so often. Their father taught the twins German from scratch. Her parents had helped Margaret walk all over again after she was struck by lightning. Margaret's Mom and Dad had stood by her and her brother throughout all their mishaps and mistakes. They were a constant in her life and Margaret knew she could depend on them if things went wrong.

And that, more than anything else, made that mansion home to her.

But that, more than anything else, made it so difficult to learn that it was all built on lies.

"Some of the nicest people I knew were tricked into following Grindelwald," says Tina Scamander, her voice slightly strained. "He was very good with words... The things he said were tailored to persuade his audience. He made you feel as if he was vulnerable, as if he wanted to do some good but the world was standing as a barrier..."

The storm outside had subsided into a drizzle, but the summer rain provided no comfort for once. An odd chill was present in the air despite the fire crackling in the hearth.

Margaret kept her eyes trained on the mug in her hands.

"I don't think he was tricked," she says quietly.

"You can't be sure, dear," Tina insists. "Tell me, did he ever mention his past? Did he ever brag about it?"

Margaret glanced up, shaking her head slowly. Her father had never given any indication that he knew of the wizarding world.

"But he did horrible things," she says, remembering Ignatius Prewett, Lucretia Black, even her own mother. "He ruined lives..."

"Many did much worse under the reign of Grindelwald. They were bound to do his bidding. One couldn't back away-" Tina's voice catches in her throat and she looks away, continuing softly a moment later, "One couldn't back away... once they joined him... He made sure of it."

Margaret wanted to tell Tina that she understood, that they didn't have to keep talking about this any longer. She knew exactly how personal this subject was for her. Gellert Grindelwald had torn apart many families, including Tina's.

But Margaret didn't think that Queenie Goldstein, Tina's sister, and Alfréd Xenakis could be put into the same category. It would be highly unfair.

Anthony had gotten away from this world and his life as Alfréd here, but he had still chosen to follow with his promise to Grindelwald. He had still used Amortentia on Athena Armstrong, taking away her right to her own life, just so he could ensure his children were magical.

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