Chapter 15: Attack

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Rick storms out of the room into the 'tombs' as they call it, leaving everyone scared and confused. We all stand there as the baby begins to wail. Beth scurries out to tend to her as everyone else goes to their cells, leaving Josh and I alone in the common room.

"I'm-I'm gonna go to Hershel's cell to watch Sky." Josh says before ducking out. I am by far exhausted and I don't think now is really a good time to ask about bunking plans. I walk over to the cage and pull out our bags, bring them to the cell, Skylar is still asleep and Josh is curled up next to her in the bed with the two puppies sleeping at their feet. A small smile forms on my lips as I change my shirt and sit back down in the chair I was in before. I grab her hand and lightly kiss it before sleep takes over my body. Hopefully Skylar will be up by tomorrow, hopefully.


The next morning I feel like a weight has been lifted off my body, literally. I wake up refreshed, well as refreshed as you can be after sleeping in a chair. Sky and Josh are still passed out along with the puppies. A lot of the swelling has gone down from her black eye and her bruises are yellow, which means she's healing. I quickly change her gauze, not trying to wake any of them up. I throw the bloody gauze in the waste bin by the door and fish out two leashes from my bag. A quite yawn causes me to spin around; thinking its Skylar, turns out it was Biscuit. Her eyes begin to open as they land on me. She jolts awake, soring off the bed and jumping up on me.

"Hey girl." I smile, scratching behind her eye. "Wanna go for a walk?" I ask and she yaps happily in response. I look over and see Chewy padding up the bed towards Sky's upper half, curling into her arm, whimpering. "She'll be alright Chewy." I tell him patting his head. I place his leash on my chair and clip mine on Biscuits collar. I grab my AK and swing it around my back as we step out of the cell, careful not to wake anyone as we make our way to the front doors that lead us to the courtyard. I push the door open and Biscuit walks forward, sniffing everything it sight, we make our way to the field, where she does her business, I look around for a small opening so we can get out into the woods, look for some herbs. I scan along the fences and my eye land on a bright orange rope of some sort. I'm guessing that's how they got in.

Biscuit tugs on the leash, bringing my attention to her, she stares at the sideways bus that lies off the grave road which leads to the prison. Michonne climbs out, bringing her katana with her. I still need to ask her what happened last night.

"Michonne." I call as I walk over to her. Her head whips towards us, and her stern expression softens, only a little.

"Hey." She says, leaning against the bus. "What's up?"

"Hey." I reply. "I came to ask you something."


"What happened last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean when you disappeared after we rescued the others."

"I had unfinished business to attend to." She explains.

"With the Governor?" I question, she nods in reply. "Is that why you were all bloody and beaten up when we were by the train?"

"Yeah, the sicko took a good couple of swings at me but I fought back."

"What do you mean?"

"In his apartment, he had this little girl; she as a Walker, locked up her up in chains." She explains. "And fish tanks full of Walker heads, with a chair across, like he watches them, like they're his trophies."

"Did you kill him?"

"Almost... Andrea she-she stopped me, said she would kill me if I killed him. She's blinded by him, hell we wouldn't even be is this mess if we just left when I told her to." She says more to herself then to me.

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