Chapter 4: Down in Flames

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Skylar's P.O.V

I can't believe Josh snuck off with Kim. That's probably what he was doing last night! He probably grabbed the mango slices as a cover. That sneaky bastard! I laugh to myself as the furniture section comes into view.

"Okay, we have to be quite." I whisper to Derek and Michael. "Because I want to embarrass the crap out of him if he's going what we think he's doing."

"Last night I saw the two of them sneaking around." Michael mentions.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it!" I whisper/shout.

"Shhh!" they both hiss.

"Sky I can't believe it. Our younger brother is getting more action then either of us." Derek jokes.

"Well what college kid wants to hit on a 16 year old, that's creepy as fuck." I laugh.

"Okay well start from this end," Michael says pointing to the end of an aisle and we'll circle around. "If they aren't in there then I don't know where else they could be."

"Josh!" Kim giggles from the aisle over.

"Oh they're over there alright." Derek says as I fake gagging. We walk over to the edge of the aisle and I motion them to stop.

"Okay, when we get over there we just scare the shit out of them, got it?" I ask looking at the two guys in front of me.

"Got it." they say in unisons, a devious smirk on both their faces. We crawl over towards the bed section, following a trail of clothes. Shirts, pants, shoes, socks. The closer we get the louder Josh and Kim become.

"Oh Josh." "Oh Kim." They moan and I throw up a little in my mouth, literally. We finally get to the bed and a bra is thrown on my face. Michael and Derek place their hands over their mouths to stop them busting out in laughter. I fling the bra off my head and count down on my fingers. 3... 2... 1...

"WHAT THE HEL IS GOING ON HERE?!" the three of us yell. Josh and Kim look at us like two deer caught in headlights, luckily Kim's boobs are hidden behind Josh's hands.

"We-we... ughh I umm this isn't.... we aren't.... She-she... He-he..." they both stutter as their faces become bright red. I look over at Derek and Michael before we burst out laughing, tears streaming down our faces from laughing this hard.

"For Christ sake Josh," Derek laughs out. "Give her back her fucking bra before she has imprints of your hands on her chest!" this only causes us to laugh harder as Kim takes a pillow to cover herself as Josh looks around for a shirt. Michael bends down and throws a shirt at Josh's face.

"Thanks." He laughs as he gives it to Kim and she hastily covers herself.

"Get dressed. Dinner should be soon." I explain, a smile firmly spread across my face.  Josh and Kim quickly climb off the bed and pick up their articles of clothing and put them on. The two of them stand in front of us, Kim is blushing like crazy and Josh has a small smirk on his face.

"We're ready." Josh announces.

"We can tell." Michael chuckles.

"I'm gonna-I'm gonna go on a head of y'all." Kim says lowly. We nod and she runs down the aisle, towards 'camp'.

"Good one bro." Derek laughs as he hits Josh in the back.

"I can't believe you guys!" Josh laughs as we begin walking down the aisle.

"Teresa and Tristan are gonna kill you they find out." Michael snickers as Josh pales.

"I completely forgot about them." Josh whispers.

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