Chapter 16: Do Something

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Glenn and I take out as many Walkers in the field as we can while Rick, Daryl and Merle run through the clearing we've made. Maggie opens the last gate enough for the five of us to slip in before she slams the gate shut and Walkers begin growling and hissing as they bang against it. In silence, we all walk back into the prison, Rick strips Merle of any weapons before locking ourselves in the cell block. He complains in the process but he's fucking lucky I don't beat the crap out of him.

"Derek!" Josh yells from one of the cells, causing all our heads to snap in his direction. We all rush to Hershel's cell to see Sky's eyes slowing opening. I drop down to my knees and practically crawl over to her, tears in my eyes.

"Hi." She croaks, the faintest smile on her lips.

"Hi." I laugh, cupping her face in my hands, examining her. "How you feelin'?" 

"Like crap." She laughs, winching slightly. "But good crap, ya know?" She asks, causing some of us to laugh lightly, well more like breath heavily from our noses before her eyes roll back and her body falls limp against the bed.

"What happened!?" Numerous people gasp. 

"Passed out, probably from dehydration. Josh, when she wakes up make sure she drinks water and give her some protein bars, too." I tell him, rising to me feet and giving Skylar one last look before existing the cell, she's alive and that's all that matters... now on to the Governor. 

"Rick-" he cuts me off with a rise of his hand.

"I know, I know..." he sighs, running his hand down his face. "Tomorrow we'll deal with everything, right now, we all need rest. I'll take first watch, Glenn and Maggie will follow, we'll deal with everything in the morning." He explains before picking up his gun and heading out of the prison. There's an awkward tension between the lot of us before everyone disperses into their own cell. The prison falls deafeningly quite, quite enough to hear pin drop or the moans and snarls of the living dead outside our front gates, our only gates.

Skylar's P.O.V

I wake up with a splitting headache and my throat dryer than the Sahara. But nothing worse than the pain in my ribs and right side, brushed and tender. The slightest movements causing me to grit my teeth. I look around and find a bottle along with two pills I assume are pain killers and gulp them down, instantly feeling better. Everyone looked so grim yesterday, some had blood stains on their shirts, and there's not a doubt in my mind that the Governor had something to do with it. I look down and see Chewy sleeping soundly at my side. My little baby, not even a year old and he's already huge, practically taking up whole bed. I silently laugh to myself as someone walks in, Josh.

"Jesus Christ I leave for 30 seconds and you've already gulped down the pills and water." He sasses, tossing me a protein bar in which I waste no time ripping open and stuffing it in my mouth, Josh giving me a disgusted look. 

"What?" I ask, mouth full of food. 

"I'll let this one slide only because you literally almost died." He sighs, sitting beside me and wrapping me in a hug. "It better not happen again, or I'll revive you and kill you myself." He jokes, causing me to laugh. 

"Get off me." I playfully push him off me as Derek and Hershel come into the cell. 

"How you feeling?" Derek asks, walking over and hugging me as well.

"Not dead." I joke, causing Hershel to snicker. 

"Now is somebody gonna help me up or-"

"Oh hell to the no." Derek raises his voice. "You aren't leaving this cell let alone the block for at least a week." He states, crossing his arms over his chest. 

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