Chapter 19: War

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A few days have passed and there's been no news about the Governor, that was until Andrea showed up earlier this morning to inform us that the Governor has agreed to a meeting with Rick, to 'settle' our differences. And of course I jumped at the chance to go with him, I'm practically back to normal. My bruising has gone from purple to yellow, ribs aren't as sore, and wounds are healed. They have no excuse to hold me back but of course I am, apparently I'm needed here in case this is a sham and the Governors men are waiting for our people to leave so they can attack again, so I stay and watch them pack up a small car as Daryl climbs on his bike. He still hasn't talked to me since the short hours in the guard tower, I don't what what I said or did but I'm not going to chase after someone who clearly doesn't want to be chased after.

Rick, Hershel, Derek and Daryl leave the prison, as the rest of us go back inside. Glenn and Maggie head out on watch. Josh and Beth are flirting up a storm while Carl feeds Judith.

"What's up?" I ask, sitting down beside him on the steps to the catwalk. "You never did tell me what happened yesterday on your run." I tell him.

"Remember that guy my dad was talking about, the one he met after he woke up?" I nod. "We found him, he's the one who gave us all the weapons. I also found this," he says, pulling out a picture and handing it to me. It's an old picture from when he was younger, with Lori and Rick on each side. They all looked so happy, and Lori... God I almost forgot what she looked like. Carl looks just like her. I small tear slips out of my eye and I quickly wipe it away.

"I wanted Judith to know what her mom looks like." Carl explains as I hand the picture back to him.

"You're gonna make a great big brother Carl." I smile, ruffling his hair as Carol calls me into the other room. "I'll be back." I do my best terminator impersonation as I walk into the other room.

"Dork." Carl calls after me.

"You know you love me." I call back.

"Sadly." He sighs, causing me to laugh as I join Glenn, Carol, Beth, Michonne and Josh loading all the guns we got from yesterday.

"Josh, come here." He puts down his gun and walks over to Glenn. "You stash these at the loading dock. All right?" He tells him, handing him a couple cases of ammo. "Beth, put more up on the catwalk. If anyone gets pinned down, we need to make sure that they have plenty of ammo. I'll go work on the cage outside." He says, picking up a welder and walking towards the main door.

"What we should be doin' is loadin' some of this firepower in a truck and payin' a visit to the Governor." Merle voices. "We know where he is right now."

"You suggesting that we just go in and kill him?" Glenn sasses.

"Yeah, I am."

"We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put." Michonne informs.

"I've changed my mind, sweetheart." Merle shrugs. "Bein' on the sideline with my brother out there, ain't sittin' right with me." Merle's gaze slowly shifts to mine.

"The four of them are right in the middle of it." Glenn states. "No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things could go wrong."

"And they will." Merle states.

"My dad can take care of himself." Carl defends, walking into the common area.

"Sorry, son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon." Merle looks down at Carl.

"Don't say that to him." I snap, he shrugs.

"It's not the right move." Glenn informs. "Not now. Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire. That's my decision. It's final." Glenn stands his ground before walking out to tend to the cage. Merle, clearly thinking the world revolves around him beings packing a bag of guns and ammo as Glenn walks back inside.

"Hey, you're not going." Glenn states.

"I don't need permission." Merle continues packing.

"I can't let you."

"You can't stop me." Merle counters.

"If you're gonna live here with us, it's gonna be on our terms." Maggie informs. "If Michonne can do it, why can't you?" She calls out as he turns his back to her.

"'Cause it's my brother out there, that's why!" He yells back at her. "What's the matter with y'all?" In all honest I'm not even gonna bother stopping him cause Derek's out there, my brother, and Merle has every right to want to go out there. I would too but I know Josh would stop me. Merle walks up the steps to the main door, Glenn stepping in front.

"I'm not gonna let you put them in danger."

"Nut up already, boy." Merle spits. "This guy cops a feel of your woman and you pussy out like this?" He questions, practically teasing Glenn, as his nostrils flare, key signs of anger. Great. "Get out of my way."

"No." Glenn denies. Merle tries to push Glenn out of his way, causing the two to wrestle.

"Get out of my way!" Merle yells. The two of them fall down the small set of stairs, fist flying at each other. Merle with his knife hand above Glenn's head. Maggie steps in and pulls Merle in a choke hold, a nasty one too. Michonne joins in, pulling Merle's knife hand away. I pull out my hand gun and fire a shot in the air, causing all of them to stop and look at me.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Merle yells, pushing everyone off him as he glares at me. I roll my eyes at him as I walk up the stairs, towards the catwalk outside. Chewy comes running out of nowhere and follows me like the big furry shadow he is. Pulling out a cigarette and lightning it, in the corner of my eye I see Chewy staring out me, he tilts his head, looking at the smoke before looking at me.

"I'm trying to cut back, I really am but Jesus Christ is this whole situation is stressing me the fuck out." Down below I see Maggie step out in the little caged area Glenn is in, keeping watch. Word are exchanged before they hug, then kiss, then a lot more kissing. Oh my God, I don't think they know I'm out here. They walk back into garage and close the door, I hear Maggie laughing a little before moans and groans come out of there. Chewy buries his head in between my legs, probably knowing what's going on down there too.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus I'm out!" I mumble to myself, finishing my smoke and storming back inside, trying to get the images of what's happening in the little garage out of my head. I see the kids sitting around a table playing dominos and I join in. Chewy and Biscuit fighting over their chew toys as Carol walks around burping Judith.

A few hours pass before the familiar roar of Daryl's motorcycle becomes louder and louder.

"They're back!" Glenn calls, poking his head inside the main door.

"Thanks Captain Obvious." I shout sarcastically causing the others to laugh. We pack up our game before heading out to the courtyard. There's an obvious tension as they all step out of the car, Josh and I walk over to Derek, embracing him in a tight hug before he walks inside. They're all quite, and Rick looks even more stressed than before.

"Let's get inside." Rick commands, everyone quick to follow. We all gather in the cell block, waiting for details on the discussion Rick had with the Governor. He reaches into a cell and pulls out a rifle, setting it under his arm before speaking.

"So, I met this Governor." He explains. "Sat with him for quite a while..."

"Just the two of you?" Merle asks.


"Should have gone when we had the chance, bro." Merle mutters, looking over at Glenn, before walking out.

"He wants the prison... He wants us gone." Rick clarifies. "Dead. He wants us dead, for what we did to Woodbury." A silence falls on the group before Rick speaks again. "We're going to war." 

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