Chapter 3: Bright Side

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I wake up in the morning with the sun peeking through the skylights in the roof and Chewy licking my face.

“Aw ew Chewy really?” I grumble and wipe the dog saliva off my face. I look over and see Josh and Derek still passed out. “Typical.” I sigh. I quickly change into a pair of jean shorts and a homemade King County PD tank and ball cap. I pick up the two dogs and my knife belt and climb down the step ladder and land on the floor. I pick up two leashes and put them on the dogs and walk down the aisle to the rest of the ‘camp’.

Everyone is still sleeping except for Michael, Ronnie and Adam. Probably on patrol. I think to myself as I walk towards the entrance. I look through the glass of the vending machine, making sure there are no Walkers around before I push it open, allowing the dogs to jump through before I climb through and close it tightly behind me.

I walk out the entrance and the sun hits me, practically blinding me as blink a couple times, my eyes adjust to the light before I start walking down the parking lot. The dogs are walking around pissing on whatever they cross. We walk down to the edge of the parking lot where the grass is. Not a Walker in sight, strange… I think aloud as the dogs do their business on the grass before we start walking again.

We walk around the parking lot, still aware that Walker could pop out at any moment. I hear muffled shuffling from behind me, I quickly slip out one of the knives from my belt before I spin on my heel, ready to pounce on the Walker, but it’s no Walker, no it’s a pink haired teenager with a goofy smile on his face.

“I really can’t sneak up on you, can I?” he laughs. I playfully roll my eyes as I place my knife back in my belt.

“No one can sneak up on me.” I laugh. “Where’d you come from?” I ask as I begin to walk again.

“My post, I saw you walking your dogs.” He answers walking after me. “I meant to ask you yesterday but how did you manage to keep them alive this long?” He asks looking down at Chewy and Biscuit.

“Well um you see, to answer that question, it’s gonna take a long and emotional backstory.” I laugh nervously.

“Well then let’s go to my post, yeah, that way we can keep watch and do all the talking we need.”

“Sounds good.”

Derek’s P.O.V

“Where the hell is she?” I ask Josh, looking around for our sister.

“Well considering her and Michael are nowhere to be seen I highly suggest they’re together.” he says matter-of-factly.

“Don’t be a smartass J.” I jokingly glare at him.

“Yeah yeah yeah.” He laughs.

“Okay let’s put some of this shit in the jeep, we don’t know how long were staying.”

“Well I though you said-”

“I know what I said.... I just-I just think it’s better we move on, go to Granddad’s.”


“Because I think it’s better we just keep it the three of us, like it’s been for the past couple days. It’s better to be alone, it always has been. Helps us not get attached too easily…” 

Skylar’s P.O.V

Michael takes to two dogs up the ladder, me following behind him.

“You aren’t scared of heights are you?” he randomly asks.

“If I was you really think I’d be following you to the roof?”

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