Chapter 20: Smokin'

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The next morning is a tough one, I wake with an uneasy feeling in my chest that I can't describe. I reach down a pet Chewy, instantly feeling better. I pull off my blanket, a cool breeze running through me.

"Jesus Christ it's getting cold." I walk over to my bag, pulling out a sweater and extra pair of socks, putting them on before my boots and waking up Chewy. "Come on fatass, if I gotta get up early so do you. I gotta start training you sooner or later." I laugh as he slips off the bed. "You're such a big baby." I laugh as he follows me down the stairs as I grab a granola bar from Carol and head out into the courtyard.

"Ok now sit." I say pointing to the ground as I take a bite. "Sit boy." I repeat, he just stares at me. "Sit down." I command, still nothing. I walk over to him and push his big butt down to the ground. "There just like that." I ruffle his ears. "Now up." He stands up. "Oh so you can do that one?" I sass. "Sit." And he does it. "Oh who's a good boy, huh, who's a good boy?" He barks happily, as I throw him a treat. "Okay now stay." I put my hands up, walking backwards. "Stay, good boy, stay." I run away from him, I turn around to see him still sitting there. "Good boy Chewy, good boy." I give him more treats. "You're a fast learner. Okay now follow me, ready... go." I sprint down the courtyard, him following. "Down!" I yell, dropping to the floor, him following. "Good boy Chewy!"


Hours have gone by and multiple people have come out to watch me train my dog. Most laughing or trying to help but it seems he only listens to me. Derek even tried to train Biscuit but she's lazier than Chewy over here, playing in the dirt and chasing birds. It's evening now, and everyone's inside getting ready for bed. Me and old reliable here are on watch. I pull out my pack of cigarettes, flipping the pack and pulling out my last one, Chewy lets out a huff and I roll my eyes.

"It's my last one hard ass okay, see." I say showing him the pack, and he wags his tail before I throw the empty pack at him, he catches it and tears it apart. "Dick." I laugh. We begin doing rounds, walking up and down the courtyard. Walkers banging against the fences here and there but nothing too bad. The wind picks up a little, causing me to shiver.

"You're lucky you got a coat of fur on you, you know that, otherwise you'd be freezing your ass off too." I stutter out, taking a drag and letting out a puff of grey smoke, as I rub my hands up and down my arms to keep my warm. The main door opens and closes as footsteps come from behind.

"I've only been out here for like an hour, you don't have to cover." I call out, taking another drag before turning around to come face to face with Daryl. Great, after avoiding me for days now you wanna talk to me.

"Hey." He sighs, stopping in front of me. I stand there, arms crossed over my chest, cigarette in mouth, Chewy by my side. "Look I know you're pissed off at me but... take this," he pulls off his poncho, holding it out to me. I look down at it then back at him, blowing smoke in his face. "Goddamn it Skylar stop bein' so damn stubborn." He grumbles stepping closer towards me. "Look I'm-I'm sorry for ignorin' you okay... I'm not... I haven't... I'm not use to havin' to show my emotions and you're just... you're..."

"For fuck's sake Daryl just spit it out." I say angrily, removing my smoke and standing closer to him.

"You're basically a child!" He whisper/shouts. "No wait! I-I didn't mean it like that-" He stutters, taking in my hurt expression.

"You may be an 'adult' Daryl, but you're the one acting like a fucking child!" I yell, stepping around him, but making sure to knock shoulders with him.

"Skylar can ya just-"

"Just what Daryl? You're basically telling me you can't do 'this'," I gesture in between the two of us. "Because I'm a 'child', because you're 9 years older than me, that you can't deal with your 'emotions' for me because your older. Well news flash Daryl, it's too late okay, 'cause for some unknown reasons I like you, okay, there I said it." I didn't even realize I was crying until the tears were rolling down my face, dripping onto my shirt. "I like you Daryl, since day one, since Woodbury, and now you can't even say you like me... Okay so, like, fuck you Daryl, fuck you, fuck your mustache, fuck your poncho, oh and once again, fuck you!" I list on my fingers, finishing my smoke and throwing it at him before walking back towards the prison doors. He grabs my arm, pulling me to a stop. "Wh-" His lips are roughly pressed against mine, both hands cupping my cheeks, holding me there, as I beat on his chest.

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