Chapter 11: Blood and Guns

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Skylar's P.O.V

Hours pass as the three of us sit against a wall in the cellar. Not knowing if its day or night but we're all exhausted and we refuse to sleep, struggling to fight our eyes from shutting, because when we sleep we're vulnerable and when you're vulnerable you're dead. So instead we just sit here, we sit here and wait. Glenn gave his shirt to Maggie, covering her exposed torso. My eyes trail over to Glenn's now shirtless torso and notice bruising scattered around his body, nothing looking broken, just tissue damage. 

"What?" Glenn asks, catching my gaze.

"Oh I-I uh um." I stutter, embarrassed he caught me. "I was just looking at your bruising, nothing's broken. At least not that I can tell, but you do have some tissue damage." I explain.

"How'd ya know that?" Maggie questions, curiously. 

"PhD in medicine." I shrug.

"How? You're-you're like younger than me?" Glenn questions, quite confused.

"I'm kinda of a genius." I reply nonchalantly as I rest my head on Maggie's shoulder as her body slightly shakes from laughing to herself. I slightly look up at her through my eyelashes and notice she's zoned out, an unreadable expression over her face. I know she said nothing happened while Glenn and I were almost beaten to death but she has this look in her eye, like-like she's lying... If that sick son of a bitch who brought her in even tried anything she would have killed him. I let the though pass through as Maggie lightly wraps an arm around my back, pain courses through my body as a light yelp escapes my lips.

"Sorry, sorry I forgot." She whispers.

"Its fine, I kinda forgot too." I say with a small laugh as I shrug and rest my head back on her shoulder. 

"Maggie," Glenn calls causing her to look at him, "did he-" 

"No." She cuts off. "No. He barely touched me. All this time, running from Walkers... you forget what people do, have always done. Look at what they did to you two..." She says looking down at me. 

"Doesn't matter. As long as he didn't-" 

"No." she says shaking her head. "I promise." She turns me over as they both hug. 

"Hey." Glenn whispers as they release each other from their arms, he stands up and walks over to the dead Walker across the room. 

"What the hell is he doing?" I whisper to Maggie raising an eyebrow. 

"I don't know..." When Glenn reaches the Walker, he grabs the arm and places his foot on its chest and pulls. The arm comes off with ease and a foul smell fills the air as Maggie and I stand up and walk over to him in confusion. He steps on the arm, breaking the bone and he begins to pull the flesh off. Glenn, what the actual fuck are you doing?! He hands one of the bloody bones to Maggie and looks at me.

"Skylar, take your boot knife out. We're busting the fuck out of here..."

Derek's P.O.V

We've been scouting out the front gate for some time now, nothings really changed, just a few men walking around the top watching for Walkers. I turn to face Michonne with a worried look and she simply nods before she backs away and runs off into the woods. 

"Hey! Hey!" Rick calls after her. "Damn it." he says under his breath as she moves out of sight, he turns to face us and gives me a death glare. "Any idea where she might be going?" he questions. 

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