Chapter 12: Search and Rescue

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Derek’s P.O.V

As we all reassemble at the front door we hear gun fire and a faint scream come from outside.

“AHHHHH!”  That sounded like a girl scream, a familiar girl scream, Skylar.

“That we Skylar screaming!” I shout. Rick turns and nods as he opens the front door and we all pile out. Shit Sky we’re coming! Just hold on, we’re coming! I think over and over again as we sprint towards a giant warehouse where gunfire erupts from.

Skylar’s P.O.V

As I lay on the floor everything seems to move in a blur, from Maggie reaching for the dead guy’s gun, Glenn and Merle fighting, Merle knocking Glenn over and putting his knife thing to his neck, Maggie pointing the gun at Merle, just everything was happening in slow motion until it felt like something popped and I could see properly but the pain in my side was almost unbearable. I look down and slightly lift up my shirt, it already soaked in blood, a lot of blood.

“LET HIM GO!” Maggie screams loading the gun. Merle looks over behind Maggie as he smiles sinisterly as he releases Glenn.

“Okay.” He says in a  sickening tone. The sound of multiple guns being loaded from behind Maggie and I cause us to whip our heads around and we are face to face with 3 other men. Fuck you Merle.

“Give me the gun!” he yells, taking the gun from Maggie. “Get up!” he yells at both Glenn and I. Maggie reaches down to help me up and I left out a whimper as they lead us back into the cellar and knock us down in a kneeling position. Fucking perfect.

Derek’s P.O.V

We finally reached the warehouse only to be met with various hallways and doors. Rick leads us through this maze, trying to find Skyler and the others; we finally come to a stop as he hides behind a wall. I guess we found them. We turn the tunnel and crouch down behind a window and the sound of panting and crying comes from across the metal wall.

“Glad we could catch up.” An familiar voice sarcastically says in the room across the wall.

“Just keep looking at me.” I hear Glenn whisper in the same room.

“I love you.” Maggie whispers back.

“Put these on!” An unfamiliar voice commands. “Let's go, faster.”

“Skylar. Skylar stay with me!” Maggie cries franticly. Shit. Daryl, Rick and Michonne dig through the bag Daryl brought, Rick pops open a can of flash bang and chucks it into the hall as we run behind a wall. When the can explodes we hear multiple groans and cries as we run back and grab the others. Rick grabs Glenn, Daryl grabs Maggie and I grab Sky. They all have bags over their heads. Glenn is shitless and there is blood covering his chest, Maggie is wearing Glenn’s blood stained shirt and Sky’s tank top is barely covering her body and she has blood everywhere. What the hell did they do to them?! I think as we run out of the warehouse, but I notice Sky is mostly whimpering as she limps along with us.

We finally get out of the deathtrap these people call a warehouse and we run along a gravel road in the moon light. We hear people screaming and yelling from inside the town, guessing we caused some sort of panic. We got the bags off their heads to reveal that both Glenn and Sky have busted lips, black eyes and dried blood on their face and Maggie is perfectly fine, hopefully. We cut across an empty street and renter the town.  Sprinting down the street, trying desperately to get the hell out of here.

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