Chapter 2: Costco

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I still can't believe everyone I loved and cared for is dead... or undead, all of them dead; all but Derek, Josh and hopefully Granddad. Hopefully Granddad is okay; if not then it's just the three of us, out here, alone. We're been on the road for at least 3 days now and were running low on a few necessities i.e food and water. I pull out the map from the glove compartment and hand it to Josh to look for local grocery stores, restaurants, anything really. One of the day things about living in a small town is the lack of population. It's a good thing Granddad lives in an actual city. I glace over to Josh as he's scanning over the map.

"Sky turn right here!" He says quickly.

"Why?" I ask not taking my eyes off the road.

"Just do it!" He laughs. I flash my indicator, telling Derek to turn as well.

"So are you going to tell me why we turned down here?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Josh laughs and points to the Costco sign to the left. "Ohhh!" I say as I turns into the somewhat abandon parking lot, there's a few Walkers around but we can take them out easy.

I park my jeep in the gas station, Derek pulls up beside me. We get out and I check on the puppies, I grab the two of them and set them down, letting them stretch out their little legs.

"Okay, you have your gun?" Derek asks the two of us, we nod. "Your knife?" We nod again. "Your walkie?" I hold it up.

"Testing, testing 1 2 3."I say into the speaker and it repeats out of Derek's.

"Josh you're sticking with me. We all know Sky is faster and we can take out the loner Walkers as we fill up the vehicles." Derek explains. "Sky you check if there's any way inside."

"Okkie dokkie." Josh smiles.

"Sky, please be careful." Derek practically begs.

"I will, I will." I laugh rolling my eyes playfully.  "You two too. Watch each other's backs; this is the first time we've actually been outside for more than a pit stop."  I give both of them a quick hug before I sprint down a the row of abandon cars, Chewy hot on my trail. There's a few shopping carts scattered everywhere as I look around, watching my soundings. I feel like somebody is following me. I turn around, nothing. Don't let your nerves get to you Hale, just keep going, you're almost to the entrance. I turn around and this time I see someone quickly hide behind a car. I pull my gun out of my holster and slowly walking towards the car, Chewy growling lightly. I hear quite moans come from behind me and when I turn around to find 3 Walkers following me. "Really?" I sigh putting my gun back in my holster and taking out my two knives from my boots. I stab the first two in the head and they fall on the ground, dead. I quickly reach down and pick up one of the knives and throw it straight into the third Walkers head and it dropped straight to the ground.

"Holy shit! That was awesome!" I hear someone exclaim from behind me. I quickly spin on my heel, dropping my knives and pulling my gun out pointing it at a guy, a living breathing guy, and I haven't seen anything of the male species alive other than my brother in days and can I say damn! He stands at a good 6'1 give or take with hot pink hair and an eyebrow piercing. "Whoa whoa whoa! I don't want any trouble!" he says throwing his straight up in the air. "I-I was on look out and I saw you and the other two over by the gas station, you know seeing if you're a threat or not." he explains.

"We aren't a threat." I say sharply, not taking my aim or gaze off him.

"Well in that case, would you, your dogs, boyfriend and friend like to join us?" he offers.


"Oh uh yeah me and my group took refuge in the store." He nods over to the entrance. "So how's 'bout it, wanna come an-" I cut him off raising my hand.

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