Chapter 8: The Prison

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Derek’s P.O.V

It’s been bothering me, why does he look so familiar? Michonne caught on to my frustration and gave me a questionable look.

“What? What is it?” she whispered.

“I-I don’t know, he looks so familiar… but-but I don’t know.” I say, not making any sense.

“Same.” Josh whispers. Soon after a boy around Josh’s age, jogs down the gravel road and caught up with the man and he too looks oddly familiar. There are at least 5 Walkers around us, trying to get to the man and the boy, yet Michonne, Josh and I stand there, watching them as they watch us. Michonne grunts in pain and touches her leg, her bullet wound, and the Walker beside her smells blood.

“Shit.” I say as I drop the basket of formula and we begin to walk backwards. The rest of the Walkers notice too and Michonne takes out her katana and Josh and I take out our knives, ready to fight off the Walkers. One goes for her and she stabs it in the head. Two come for me and I stab one in the eye and the other in the head.

“Should we help them?” The boy asks the man frantically, but the man doesn’t reply, only watches us as he walks towards the opening to the fence. Michonne drops her bag and I tighten mine, not letting the dogs down.  Her and Josh go back to back, trying to protect each other.

“There’s too many of them!” I say stabbing another in the head. She swings her katana, cutting the head off of one over them and she nearly falls over.

“You okay?” Josh asks, helping her regain her balance.

“Fine!” she says stabbing one in the stomach and kicking it over.

“There’s too many!” I shout again. I turn to look at her and she looks over whelmed. As more Walkers surround us Michonne faints and knocks Josh over in the process. He falls over with her on top of him as more Walkers close in. “Shit!” I say trying to protect the two as Josh struggles to push Michonne off of him. More Walkers circle around and try to reach for my gun but it’s too late, a Walker knocks me over on my side. I try to kick it off; I turn my head and see two Walkers are going for Josh and Michonne.

“Josh!” I scream as I try vigorously to kick this asshole off me and help them. Before I know it a gun is fired three times and the Walker I was fighting off and the two going after Michonne and Josh fall dead. I look up to see the boy with his gun up looking directly at us.

“Carl!” the man shouts, the boy throws him a set of keys and he opens the gate. “Shit.” He says throwing the gate open. The boy runs out and heads towards the basket as the man shoots down any Walkers close to him. He looks at Michonne and Josh and kicks her sword away. I stand up and watch as a man with crushes hobbles towards us.

“Are they bit?” he asks.

“Gunshot.” Josh explains. “Can you get her off me?” He asks looking at Mr. Familiar. He throws her over his shoulders. I walk over and toss Josh his bag and pick up Michonne’s.  

“Follow me.” The man says giving me an angry glare. The boy runs after the man and Josh and I walk behind them with the older man on crutches beside me.

“I’m Hershel.” The older man tells us.

“Derek.” I smile.

“Josh.” They lead us inside the prison and I don’t know what I expected, people locked away inside the cells? Walkers inside the cells? Whatever I was expecting isn’t what is happening here, people actually live here, inside the prison, and they use the cells as bedrooms. That’s different! I think as we enter some sort of meeting area.

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