Chapter 22: Merle

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Skyler's P.O.V

The prison halls haven't been this quiet, even when we first got here. Somethings wrong, something really wrong. I spot Josh and Carl cleaning some guns, Chewy napping at their feet. I decide to make my way towards them, seeing as there's nothing else to do.

"Hey." I smile, planting a kiss on both their heads before leaning against the wall, watching them.

"Have either of you noticed how quite it is around here?" Carl questions, not looking up from his work.

"Yeah." Josh and I answer simultaneously.

"Its... weird." Josh adds, looking around. I hear quick footsteps and catch a glimpse of Rick and Daryl running into the tombs, I look back at the two boys and nod towards the tombs.

"Go." Josh nods before I take off, quickly following behind them, stepping as lightly as possible around every corner. Taking every step with caution to make sure they don't hear me, and by they, I mean Daryl, he has the hearing of a fucking elephant. I following them to the control room, I stay in the hall, peaking my head around, watching them as they talk.

"He was in here." Daryl explains, searching the small room for his brother I assume. "Said he was looking for drugs... Said a lot of things, actually." He mumbles.

"Like what?" Rick questions.

"Said that you were gonna change your mind." Change his mind about what? "Here we go." I stick my head out but a huge cabinet is blocking my view of them, better not risk getting caught instead of being more nosey. "Yeah, he took her here. They mixed it up." Took who here? What the fuck is going on?

"Damn it!" Rick curses under his breath. "I'm going after him." He states, jogging into the little room leading back into the courtyard. I take my chance and rush into the room, looking around. A broken landline, a pillow case, what the-no... Merle took Michonne because... because... The Governor's deal? It's Michonne, he wants Michonne! A-and Rick would never do that, sure he must have considered... that's-that's why's Merle was involved and Merle knew Rick would back out so he did it on his own. Jesus fucking Christ Merle.

"You can't track for shit." Daryl's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Then the both of us." Rick compromises.

"No, just me." Daryl denies. "I said I'd go and I'll go. Plus they're gonna come back here. You need to be ready. Your family, too." I hear the back door open then close before Rick lets out a deep sigh. This is my chance. I think to myself, taking a deep breath before stepping out, startling Rick.

"Jesus Christ Skylar you scared me half to death." He yells, steadying himself.

"How could you Rick?" I question.

"Skylar I don't know-"

"You may have had everyone else fooled, but not me Rick." I cut him off.

"It was my only option, either her or war." He explains, running his hands down his face.

"I'd choose War." I say, locking eyes with him. "I'm going after him." I state, walking around him and towards the door.

"Skylar," Rick stops me, grabbing my arm and turning me around.

"I'm not letting him go out there alone."

"It's Daryl, he can handle himself just fine."

"I don't care." I argue, shaking out of his grip and storming outside. I grab a gun from the trolley and secure it on my back before pulling out my knife. I spot Daryl running through the forest and open the gate, closing it behind me before taking off after him. Why does he have to be so quick on his feet? I curse, trying to keep up with him. He bends down and checks some tracks in the mud, poking at it with a stick before taking off again.

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