Chapter 14: O Negative

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Derek's P.O.V

I look over at Sky again and her eyes are barely open, I nudge her again only her eyes don't snap open like they did before, they continue to close slowly.

"Sky." I say as I shake her a little. "Skylar!" I say a little louder as Rick glances back at me through the review mirror. "Skylar wake up! Please wake up!" I cry as tears begin to fill my eyes as I shake her more violently. "Rick she not waking up." I say as a tear slips from my eye. Maggie and Glenn look at me startled as Rick begins to speed down the road.

"She probably exhausted." Michonne suggest.

"She got shot." Glenn corrects.

"Multiple times." I add and Glenn gives me a funny look. I lift up her shirt to reveal 4 gunshot wounds.

"Holy shit!" Glenn says under his breath.

"Rick we need to get there, fast!" Maggie says as I check Sky's heart rate with my finger. It's faint but it's still here, I grab her pale hand as more tears roll down my face. Don't you dare die on my Sky! I went through to much shit yesterday to have you die on me now!


About 20 minutes later Rick mutters 'Shit' under his breath as we begin to slow down.

"W-why are we slowing down?" I ask frantically as Rick brings to car to a stop.

"Calm down Derek. There's a car blocking our path, we'll move it quickly and get her to Hershel." Rick explains as my nerves calm down a little as I give him a slight nod.

Rick, Glenn and Maggie climb out of the car and head to the truck that blocks our path. I brush some of Sky's brown hair away from her pale face and caress her cheek in my hand. Don't worry Sky, we're almost there. I look out the front window to see Glenn pulling a Walker out of the front seat and repeatedly stomping its face in. Damn. Rick walks over to him with caution on his face as he and Glenn engage in a conversation. Glenn begins yelling and Rick starts yelling back. I guess they went through a lot of shit while they were in Woodbury too...


We finally drive up through a clearing and I see the top of the watch tower. Oh thank God! I squint my eyes, trying to focus on the main gates. Josh and Carl running around the small area, opening up the main gates as we approach them. We stop in between the first two gates and Rick gets out.

"Drive 'em up. I'll meet you there. Hurry." Rick says to Maggie as she goes over to the driver's side.

"Okay." She says as we drive up. I turn back in my seat and see Rick on his knees hugging his son. That's the first thing I'm gonna do when Sky wakes up. I think to myself as Maggie parks the car.

"Okay we need to get her out and inside so my daddy can start working on her!" Maggie commands as we all climb out of the car.

"I don't need Hershel. I'm an actual doctor, I just need supplies." I explain as I swing my door open. Maggie immediately finds her sister and gives her a tight hug. I grab Sky and carry her inside bridal style as Maggie and Beth follow closely behind me. Hershel stays behind to talk to Rick as everyone else scrambles inside. We walk through the cell block and take her up the cell next to who I assume is Hershel's. In a matter of seconds Hershel hops in the cells and we prepare to save my sisters life.

"I know what to do," I explain. "I may need some help but I need supplies."

"Derek you need to rest. I'll take care of her." he tells me. "Beth, get me some towels, water and an IV. Maggie get my supplies." He says as he begins to roll up his shirt sleeves. "Derek, do you know what blood type your sister is?" he asks looking at me.

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