Chapter 18: Cold Shoulder

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Rick, Michonne and Carl left early this morning for a run, while Josh and Derek went back to Granddad's to get the last of the our supplies and car, Derek taking Biscuit with him. Daryl staying behind with Merle for protection. My bruising has gone down quite a lot now, my ribs aren't as sore but the stitches are gonna take a few more days. I can limp without crutches now, even though everyone is saying I should still use them. Thank God for a high white blood cell count and painkillers.

Without Rick around, and the Governor on stand still there's not much to do around here. Beth and Carol are cleaning around the cell block as Glenn and Merle are checking on the tombs as Maggie's on watch. Daryl is God knows where while Hershel is with Judith leaving me on my lonesome since no one trusts me to do anything yet, don't want me to 'hurt' 'myself". Pure BS.

I look over at Chewy, who's passed out on my cell bed.

"How the hell are you so tired when you literally do nothing all day?" I question aloud, he farts in response. "Nice." I sass, stepping out of the cell before his toxic fumes become the death of me. I try my best to tiptop down the metal staircase as slip out of the main door, taking a breath of fresh air. I look to my left and see Maggie turn the corner, giving me just the right amount of time to quickly limp through the courtyard and slip into the closet guard tower. Hastily climbing the ladder, every movement burning and a light layer of sweat building on my forehead as I finally reach the top.

"God I need to start exercising." I pant out of breath as I lean up against the railing, overlooking the north side of the prison. The little creek, the bridge, the forest. "Breathtaking." I sigh, contently. Pulling out a nearly empty pack of cigarettes I found lying around, slipping one out and lighting it, taking a long drag before blowing out a puff of smoke before taking another drag.

"Sure is." A voice mumbles from behind. Just as I open my mouth to scream, dropping my cigarette down below, a rough hand is slapped over my mouth as an arm snakes around my waist. "Jesus are you always this damn jumpy?" Daryl questions, finally realising me once I've calmed down.

"I'm not use to people sneaking up on me, asshole." I shout, slapping him in the chest as he laughs at me. "Why are you even up here?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow as I sit down on the pile of sleeping bags.

"I could ask you the same thing, last I checked you're supposed to be takin' it easy." Daryl counters, leaning up against the wall.


"This ain't exactly, takin' it easy." He nods to the killer ladder behind us.

"I won't tell if you don't." I wink, pulling out a small pack of trail mix from my pocket. "So I've been meaning to ask, what's your deal Daryl? What's your background story?"

"There ain't no story to tell." He brushes off.

"Oh come on Daryl, there's gotta be something..." I press. "Like maybe the reason why you don't notice Carol's obvious liking to you is 'cause it's pretty obvious to me. Maybe... there... was someone before?" I question, he shakes his head. "Or maybe there's someone now?" He nods his head. "Maybe I'm going about this all wrong," I fake sigh, leaning back against the wall with him. "Maybe she is really a he?" I state, causing Daryl to choke on his water and me to fall on the sleeping bags below, laughing hysterically.

"I ain't gay!" He chokes out, causing me to laugh harder.

"Prove it." I state, the atmosphere of the conversation completely changing. Daryl's eyes bore into mine, a mixture of emotions running through him as I lean against my forearms, slightly raising me from the floor, to get a better look at him.

"And how exactly do ya expect me to do that?" He questions, accent thicker than before.

"Surprise me." I whisper, watching him carefully. His eyes trail up and down my body, sending chill down my spine, and my palms begin to sweat from excitement. Sure Derek and I were 16 in college but I'm not completely that unexperienced okay, I've kissed boys before, once or twice. He eyes me for a quick second before he starts crawling towards me, practically on top of me as I remain completely frozen in shock that this is actually happening. His hot breath fans my face as he stare intensely at me, our chest merely inches apart, as he slowly licks his lip. God just kiss me already! I'm dying to scream out but my voice gets caught in my throat as he lowers his head and his lips lightly brush along my collarbone. I inhale sharply as his lips trail up my neck, heat surging through my body from his gently touch. He stops when his lips reach my jaw, removing his face from mine and I have to quite the whine wanting to escape from his lack of lips on me.

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