Chapter 7: Hostages

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Skylar’s P.O.V

Once we arrived in the town of Woodbury, we were immediately blind folded, stripped of our weapons and lead out of the car with guns pointed at our backs. We walked through various door and tunnels until we were throw into chairs and tied up. When our blindfolds were removed that’s when I noticed Maggie wasn’t in the room with us. Fuck! Just me, Glenn and this asshole Merle in some sort of cellar. I look over at Merle, all the blood has been cleaned off his face and he has a bandage over his broken nose. He’s sharpened his knife hand. Double fuck! Glenn and I sit beside each other as Merle walks slowly towards us, dragging his knife along the wooden table that sits in front of us.

“You don’t even know why you’re here, do you?” Merle questions, looking at both of us with a smirk on his smug face, I only glare at him as Glenn stares straight ahead. “I didn’t mean you no harm, I lowered my gun but you raised yours.” He says looking directly at Glenn. “You were an asshole out there, just like you were on the rooftop back there in Atlanta. What y’all did, leavin’ me up there, people would do that to an animal.” What the fuck happened back in Atlanta?!

“We went back for you.” Glenn clarifies.  

“Ain’t you thoughtful.” Merle spits.

“We did, all of us. Rick, Daryl, T-Dog.” Why does that name ring a bell? Rick? The only Rick I know or well knew was Sheriff Rick Grimes back in King County, he was Uncle Nicki’s best friend once they moved there and he joined the station. We were practically family… But that can’t be the same guy, can it? No Rick was in a coma last time I saw him and Shane said he died in the hospital.

“T-Dog… yeah big o’ spear chucker," Merle laughs distracting me from my train of thought. "The one I was pleadin’ with. Umhm, the one who dropped the key. Tell me where he’s at, I’m bet T-Dog would like to bury the hatchet,” not really sure you would, “let bygones be bygones.”

“He didn't make it.” Glenn says swallowing his sadness.

“Well, I hope he went slow.” You sick fuck, I hope you burn in hell! “Yeah. How ‘bout the rest? Hmm? How ‘bout my baby brother? You can't tell me he's alive and then hold off on where he is.” Merle says sitting down across from Glenn and I on the table. Glenn tries to avoid Merle’s gaze but Merle is very persistent. “No? Well, maybe the farmer's daughter will help me out.” Merle says with a sickening smile. Both our heads turn to face Merle.

“Tell me somethin’, when she's scared and she's holdin’ you close, and her tremblin’ skin is close to you,” Merle says raising his knife and pressing in onto Glenn’s check, “her soft lips are touchin’ you here, all over here,” he says moving the knife along Glenn’s neck, “and over here feels good, don't it?” Glenn says nothing; he just stares off somewhere else. “I remember you. Yeah. You're the sneaky one, the one with nerve. You don't scare easy, do you? I like that.” He says standing up.

“Or maybe you sweet cheeks.” He winks at me, again. I fight back my gag as I glare at him harder. "But-but you missy, oh no no, you I don’t remember at all, yeah. Never seem your pretty face ‘round before.” He says moving towards me. “Where’d you come from, huh? When’d they find you, when-when they left me for dead? Huh? They find you lost in the woods or somethin’?” he questions moving closer and closer to my face. “Bet my baby brother's the one that found you." He sneers. "Always a soft spot for the ladies... Bet he's been putting the wood to you often enough huh?” he says laughing. I’m tempted to spit in his goddamn face.

“Now,” he says moving away from me and behind Glenn, grabbing his head and placing his knife just below his nose, “I wanna know where my brother is.” he says grabbing the knife and applying pressure as Glenn begins to grunt in pain and I let out a small squeal.

He realise Glenn and moves in front of his face. “I wanna know where the sheriff is.” he says raising his voice. Glenn quickly head butts Merle in the face and Merle stumbles back, grabbing his nose. That probably broke it even more. “Ah! God! Ah!” he yells kicking the table and wiping blood from his face. He turns to face and smiles, blood coating his teeth, before he head butts Glenn, only with more force.

“Yeah.” He says punching Glenn in the face. “Now, I wanna know where they're hidin’, where your camp is, and I wanna know now!” He says punching Glenn again. “I wanna know now!” he says turning towards me and punching me in the face, I let out a small cry before he does it again, once, twice, three times before he starts yelling again. “Where the hell are they?” he says punching Glenn.

“Tell me!” he yells before he just starts beating on us, punching us here, kicking us there. This is gonna be one hell of a day.

Really shitty short chapter :((( 

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