Chapter 10: The Cabin

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Derek's P.O.V

After what seemed like hours in a car stuffed with people I barely know, and Rick. The car pulls over to the side of the road and Rick quickly shifts it into park as we all climb out.

"They have patrols." Michonne explains as she secures her sword over her shoulder. "We're better off on foot."

"How far?" Rick asks looking up at the sky. "Night's coming."

"It's a mile, maybe two." She says as everyone gathers their weapons and supplies from the car. I gaze off on the road, watching a Walker stumble towards us. Everyone see her but walks off into the forest. I take one more glance at her before I turn and follow the others. The five of us wondering around in a forest during the end of the world with undead cannibals everywhere, hopefully Michonne knows where she's going...

"I know what you did for me," Rick says to Daryl, distracting me from my inner babble, "for my baby, while I was... working things out, thank you."

"It's what we do." Daryl simply says as we walk through the forest. I decide I should spend this time taking in the scenery, I always loved nature. There's a variety of trees scattered in this forest: American Beech, Sugar Maple, Walker, Green Ash, Walker, Walker. Wait Walker?! I turn towards Daryl and he seems to catch my drift.

"Rick." He whispers, looking around.

"Down." Rick commands just as dozens upon dozens of Walkers spill out of the tree lines. "Get in formation. No gunfire." He says moving to the front of our little search party and knifes a Walker in the head. The rest of us move out and begin to take out the closest Walkers.

"Oscar." I call as a Walker is a little to close from comfort and knocks it over the head with his crowbar.

"There's too many of them." Daryl shouts, walking back in our little circle as Walkers begin the surround us.

"This way." Rick calls, picking up his bag and pointing to a small opening in the tree line, off of our little trail. We take off in a sprint, Walkers not too far behind. "Through there." Rick points to a small cabin in front of us.

"Come on." Daryl motions as e all run up the small set of stairs outside the cabin and Rick kicks the door open as we all rush inside.

"Get the door." Rick commands as we are all safety inside the cabin. Michonne shuts the door with a loud creek as we begin to notice our surroundings. "Keep it down. Keep it down."

"The smell, it's loud." Daryl says covering his nose, and as he says it the smell of dead, rotting flesh invades my nostrils making my eyes water.

"Jesus Christ!" I mutter as I cover my nose. We begin to slowly make our way through the small cabin and Oscar notices something lying on the floor.

"What the hell is that?" He asks pointing to the middle of the room.

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