Chapter 1: Flashback

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Skylar’s P.O.V

Ever since the fall of humanity, the world seems somewhat more… peaceful. Despite the fact that everywhere you go you have to watch your back, either its flesh eating assholes or just assholes in general. It’s been months since the outbreak, weeks since we’ve seen a living person, days since we’ve had food, and hours since we’ve seen or heard a Walker. It’s also been moths since we’ve seen our family… alive. All my family members are dead, lost to the world, all but my twin brother Derek and youngest brother Josh. Thank God I still have Derek and Josh in this fucked up world... If-if not I’d either be dead or undead, who knows...


Mom, Uncle Nicki (both in their mid-40’s, both twins), Josh (he’s 16), Derek and I (we’re 21), we’re all sitting around the dining room enjoying a delicious congratulations/happy graduation dinner cooked by Uncle Nicki, since mom couldn’t cook to save her life. Today Derek and I graduated from Harvard University and returned home to King Conuty, Georgia where mom and Uncle Nicki moved while we were away at Uni. Said they needed a few years of fresh air.  I know what you’re thinking; we’re both 21 how’d we graduate so quickly? Well let me break it down for you.

-          Derek and I are kinda geniuses.

-          We both skipped the 7th and 8th grade to go straight into high school.

-          Graduated high school at 16.

-          Got accepted to Harvard on graduation day.

-          And recently graduated Harvard at 21.

-          And we moved back to pack up and move back to our hometown, New York City. To start working in one of the best hospitals in the county let alone state. 

Anyways that’s a little brief history of our life.

“Sky, pass the mashed potatoes.” Mom asks, interrupting my inner monologue.

“Here.” I say reaching beside me and passing the bowl to her.

“As I was saying,” Uncle Nicki says clearing his throat. “A tomato is a fruit not a vegetable; fruits grow above ground, hence, the tomato.” 

“Nick we are not having this argument again.” Mom sighs. “It’s a fruit, it’s a tomato I don’t care and I most likely never will.” She states causing the rest of us to burst out laughing. After we settle down, Derek and I clear the table as the others sit in the living room, the faint theme song to Family Feud in the background.

“Sky! Derek! Hurry up your gonna miss it!” Josh calls from the living room. Derek and I glance at each other before we quickly dry the dishes and shove them in the cupboard before we bolt into the living room just as the show starts.

“Let’s get started top six answers on the board. When a woman is trying to catch a man, name something she pretends to like?”

“Oh that’s an easy one.” I laugh. “Sports, car’s, his jokes, his family i.e. his mother, his friends, and beer.” I list.

“Beer is amazing!” Derek exclaims.

“My point exactly.” I roll my eyes as mom laughs.

“Sports!” the woman yells out. 

"Let's see if its on the bo-" Steven begins to say right before the T.V cuts out.

“Really?!” we all groan.

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