Chapter 9: Beaten and Broken

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Skylar’s P.O.V

At this point all I feel is beaten and broken. Nothing but a big pile of defeat and failure, I’m gonna die here! I’m gonna die in this stupid cellar by the hands of some psychotic red neck with a grudge on something that probably happened years ago and what’s the cherry on this shit Sunday? The fact that I didn’t even get to say a proper good bye to my brothers, hopefully Derek and Josh got to Glenn’s’ camp and that he’s right, that his people are coming back for us, to break us out of this hell hole. But one can only hope for so long… While I’ve been hoping and praying, Glenn has been fighting against the duct tape that has a death rip around our arms and legs. Trying to break free before Merle comes back to beat the shit out of us even more. I wiggle my feet, trying to get them free and that’s when I feel the familiar poke of my boot knife and I stare at Glenn, eyes wide.

“What? What is it?” he asks franticly.

“My boot.” I say.

“What about it?” he asks clearly confused.

“My boot knife.” I correct and Glenn’s eye’s look like they were about to pop out of his head. I manage to kick my boot off and pick up the knife with my foot and toss it into the air, catching it between my teeth.

“You have Got to teach me how to do that!” Glenn says in utter amazement.

“Yeah yeah yeah I will if we make it out of here alive!” I whisper/shout as I begin the cut the tape from my hands as one hand is free, we hear the sound of someone unlocked the cellar door I quickly hide the knife under my leg as I kick my boot back on and place my hand back in place before Merle walks in dragging a Walker into the room by one of these dog catcher poles.  Both Glenn and I are breathing heavily as Merle turns to face us.

“All righty,”  Merle yells, “I want you to imagine how I felt fightin’ my way off that roof,” he yells stepping closer to us, “one hand, losin’ blood,” the Walkers is in arms reach of Glenn as I let out a small squeak, “Walkers chompin’ down at me every step of the way.” Glenn moves his head, trying to avoid the Walkers deadly scratches. “Last chance.” Merle warns. “Where's your group?”

“Up your ass!” I yell.

“All right.” Merle smiles. “Suit yourself. Y’all are a pretty big snack for this fella.” Merle says, dragging the Walker back towards the door. “But you know what they say, he's gonna be hungry again in an hour.” Glenn and I both look at each other as Merle releases the Walker from the pole and kicks it towards us. “Go! Run, boy!” Merle shouts, slamming the door behind him.

“Skylar!” Glenn shouts as the thing steps towards him, going for the kill. I grab the knife from under my leg and fling it towards the Walkers head, killing it instantly.

“Yes.” I say under my breath as I move my chair closer to the dead Walker and pull the knife out of its head and wipe the blood on its coat before I cut free my last hand as well as my feet.

“You also gotta teach me That!” Glenn laughs as I get up and begin to cut him loose. “Up your ass, really?” Glenn mocks causing me to laugh.

“Even if I did know where your camp is, I still wouldn’t tell him, I just wanted him to shut up about the whole thing.” I laugh as I cut his legs free and he stands up and gives me a hug which I was not expecting but hugged him back despite the amount of pain running through my body.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get out of here.” Glenn says hugging me tighter. “My group, they’ll be coming for us.”

“A-and what if they don’t?” I question, stepping out of his hug. “What-what if Derek and Josh didn’t make it? What if they ran into a herd of Walkers?” I questions pacing around the room.

“Wait-wait, what? Who? Derek and Josh? Who are they?” Glenn asks confused.

“My younger brothers.” I answer with a sigh. “I-I haven’t been completely honest with you… back at the store I wasn’t alone. Me and brothers were there a few hours before you and Maggie and when we saw you walk into the store, we made a plan to see if you were going to let me come back with you, to your group and after I gained your trust see of you guys would let Derek and Josh join your group as well… we-we don’t have anywhere else to go… we don’t have anyone left… and I-I just thought that maybe we could start over, w-with a new group, in-in a new place and we could be happy again.” I explain as a lone tear fell from my eyes.

“It’s okay, if they made it back then my group should be here pretty soon.” He reassured.

“And if not?” I ask, looking into his eyes.

“If not, than we’re busting out of here ourselves.” He smiles.

“What about Maggie?” I ask.

“She won’t break, I’m guessing they’re gonna bring her in here with us sooner or later.”

Short Chapter :((((((((

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