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For seven century's I have ran from my family; living in secret, in the shadows, living my life. I am an Original Vampire. And this is how things went wrong in just a few short months. In hindsight I shouldn't of returned to this town. I knew it would end bad, but I had to protect them.

"Are you ready?" Stefan asks walking in my room

setting down the pen I look up "Yes" closing my journal I lock it once again

Once we get to the school the office is our first stop

"Hold up" the girl next to the doppelganger says "Who are they?"

"All I see is back" Elena states

"They're hot backs" the girl tells

the Secretary finally comes back "Your records are incomplete. You are both missing immunization records, and we do insist on transcripts"

Stefan looks at me knowing that my compulsion will be stronger

looking over at the Secretary I start compelling her "Look again. You're mistaken; everything you need is there"

the girl looks again "You're right"

"I'm sensing Seattle" the girl with the doppelgangers voice rings out once again "The blonde one plays guitar and the other sings"

the edge of my mouth lifts a bit

"You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?" the doppelganger tells

"pretty much" the other one laughs

the Secretary hands us both a schedule

I go to walk off when Stefan catches my arm "Could you not kill anyone?"

that leads me to stare at him "Stefan, you might be someone I care about but you will not tell me what to do"

his body sags while he lets go

both my hands go to his shoulders "if it makes you feel better I won't kill anyone inside the school"

his shoulders come up "Thank you"

I walk off towards Math class

the only seat open is by this blonde girl

"Hi" she says when I sit down "You look a little young to be in this class"

without looking at her "I'm older then I look, love"

"British?" she asks "I'm Caroline Forbes"

I finally look over "Skule Salvatore"

"Like Skull?" Caroline asks

"It's more like school with an accent" I explain "It's Norwegian and means One who likes to remain hidden."

"You're parents were Norwegian?" she asks "Salvatore sounds like an Italian name"

I smile at her "I uh was adopted at a young age....anyone ever tell you you're cute"

her face turns a pink


I walk into something called the Grill

Caroline invited me here to meet her friends

not that I want to meet her friends

"What are you doing here?" Stefan growls

a smirk forms on my face "Caroline invited me....to get to know me"

The Lost MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now