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I fucking lost Caroline when she smelt blood

so now I'm looking for her

Damon's about ready to stake her

that's when I sling him away from her

Elena and Stefan join the show

I turn to Caroline who is crying "It's going to be alright. I'll clean you up while Damon gets rid of the body"

"WHAT" he yells "Why am I on body duty?"

I glare at him "Cause you tried to kill my girl"

with a growl he picks up the body and disappears

Bonnie walks up "What happened to Caroline?"

hmm just like Emily

a couple more weeks and she won't question me like Emily either

"Katherine killed Caroline" I say "She said game on apparently. Then Caroline lost control and killed that guy. Don't worry I'll take care of her"

Bonnie purses her lips "Let me guess you want me to charm some jewelry"

I wiggle my eyebrows "When did you learn how to read minds"

that's when I take Caroline in the school to clean her up

"I killed him" she cries

I hold her head then kiss her "It's alright, love" then I lick some of the blood off her face

she tries hard to look discusted at me but fails "You're gross" then laughs tears still falling down her face

"Keep talking and I'll lick it all off your face, love" I tease taking paper towels and wetting them

"Why did Katherine do this to me?" she asks in a small voice

"She was mad" I whisper "I won't let anything happen to you ever; you have my word" then she hugs me

I like you Caroline....it might make me think twice about doing this to you


Elena, Stefan, Damon, and Alaric are trying to figure out what the Lockwoods are

a smart being would ask the oldest person they know but they aren't smart

I'm not going to tell them either

I show at Caroline's house early the next morning

Bonnie and Stefan are already up there

there is a very ugly ring on the bed

"What is that?" I ask pointing to it "Not the ring Caroline's going to get stuck with the rest of her life is it?"

"It was the only one I had" Stefan defends

I throw a ring on the bed

I throw a ring on the bed

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