this party is boring
the only okay thing here is the fact that my angel looks like a goddess tonight
then we all go to the stairs to be 'untied as a family'
bull shit
"Uh, if everyone could gather, please" Elijah announces "Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance"
When has she ever done this? She's been dead for a thousand years
"Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom"
"Dance with me, Angel" I ask holding out my hand
"Or you could dance with me" Kol suggests holding out his hand
I slap it down
Sofi laughs taking my hand "so barbaric"
"I'm a Viking, babe" I tell leading her to the dance floor
that's when I see Nik with Caroline
uh? What?
okay then
we twirl and spin then someone else lands in my arms
"Hello, love" I say "Nik get you that dress?"
"Don't call me love" she snaps at me "You lost that right when you let your wife call me a whore"
"What was I suppose to do?" I question "She's my wife" then she twirls to another person
oh my dear sister lands in my arms
"Hello, sister" I say "Matt then?"
Rebekah rolls her eyes "I already talked to Kol. You two need to meet me on the foyer"
then the song finally end
I escape to the foyer
"Where's your date?" Kol asks walking out
"Flirting with his ex" Rebekah sighs
"He is a human" I tell "They're known to be uh moldable"
Kol smirks at my choice of words "You know, settling for mortals is the first sign of weakness"
"I'm not settling" she snaps "I brought him here to kill him. He's Elena's friend. If he dies she suffers. But I've already been scolded once so I was wondering if the two of you would help your sister out"
"And spit right in the face of mother's rules?" Kol smiles "We're in"
Rebekah takes forever inside
she finally walks out
"I'm itching to kill something" Kol growls "What are we waiting for?"
"The mayor cornered me" Rebekah defends
"Hurry up" I snap "Sofia's going to be mad if I don't dance with her at least two more times"
"Give me fifteen minutes to lure Matt outside" Rebekah says
"Outside?" Kol groans "What's wrong with right here on the stairs? Make a spectacle of it?"
"You sound like an idiot, Kol" Rebekah snaps "Mother would kill you if you ruined her party. See you outside"
"We should drag him in and kill him" I mutter walking out with Kol
Kol rolls his eyes "what you want to bet she cons out"

The Lost Mikaelson
Fanfictionseven hundred years ago the youngest living Mikaelson ran away from his siblings. Five hundred and forty years after that the young Original meets a nine year old Stefan Salvatore and a sixteen year old Damon Salvatore. Damon and Stefan became fast...