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the noise stops

then I see it

the Gilbert building is on fire

I zoom to where Elena is having a go at her father

"Is he in there" I ask them

"Yes" John says all cocky like

I laugh "You know I killed Johnathan the first.....his mysterious death twenty years after the 'battle'. I like to let my prey stew....will I kill you tomorrow...next week.....years from now" I smile at him "I'm gonna go save Damon now; you know exactly why I won't die" then zoom to the building

"Hey" Bonnie shouts at Stefan "You can't go in there"

Stefan opens the door anyway

"The fire will take you out" Bon states

"He's my brother, Bonnie" Stefan says

I hold him back "She's right, Stefan. The fire will take you out...but it won't take me out"

that's when I run in the building and down to the basement

"am I glad to see you" Damon rasps

smiling I pick him up and zoom out of the basement on fire

"OH MY GOD" Elena yells

"You're on fire" Stefan whispers "How are you still standing"

dropping Damon in Stefan's arm I drop on the ground putting myself out


I approach the hospital-Caroline is here

Sheriff Forbes; Liz is outside weeping

"Sheriff Forbes" I whisper walking up I take her in my arms "Caroline is going to come through this"

she continues to weep in my arms



"No, no way" Elena states as I walk by

"Where you going?" Damon yells at me

"To give Caroline my blood" I state "She can't die...I can't lose someone else"

she's my favorite yet

"It's too risky" Elena whines "I can't agree to that"

I approach Elena getting in her face "It's a good thing I didn't ask permission"

backing off I see Bonnie smirking "This is Caroline, Elena. We can't let her die. Do it, jerk"

I walk into the room

Caroline is lying there still

"Hello, love" I whisper in her ear "I'm going to help you" then my fangs extend where I bit my hand putting it in her mouth "There you go, love"

that's when I crawl in the bed to cuddle with her


"You've been here all night?" Bonnie asks me outside the room

"Did you really think I was about to leave?" I deadpan "Liz has been here as well"

"It's Liz now?" Bonnie teases

I smirk at her before bumping her with my hip

"How is Caroline today?" she asks

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