seven hundred years ago the youngest living Mikaelson ran away from his siblings. Five hundred and forty years after that the young Original meets a nine year old Stefan Salvatore and a sixteen year old Damon Salvatore. Damon and Stefan became fast...
"So...." a very familiar voice says "this is what you do now? Cheat on your wife and drink?"
turning over its Henrik
"You're dead" I state "I watched you die"
"Technically you're dead too" he points out "The scooby gang is having a ghost problem"
my shoulder sag "I'm a bad person"
"Yup" he agrees "Very bad person but you make a good Viking"
a huff comes out of my nose "Why are you here and not with Rebekah or something"
"You need me more" Henrik states "You better not hurt Sofi again, shithead"
the ends of my mouth life "You have a mouth on you don't you"
"Well, I have been following you fucks around for a thousand years" he clicks "Don't forget you are only a year older then me. Your fifteen, I'm fourteen"
"I know" I groan "By your age I was already married and had a kid on the way. You know what I never got; why am I the only one who had to get married"
"Well, Finn is a dullard" my little brother points out "Elijah and Nik were to rapped up in the harlot, Rebekah is a women, Kol is to childish even by my standards, and I am the baby. I get what I want. Then there's the fact you were dads favorite"